NLP Wine Recommender
Executive Summary
Using a publicly available list of wines and taster reviews, we used a series of Natural Language Processing steps to enrich the data set to include wine type and flavor profiles. Next, a terminal app will take your answers to a series of questions and return wine recommendations. Additional steps were taken to scrape a local grocery store's inventory to see which of these wines were available locally.
See recommender.gif for a screen capture of the terminal app, ProjectPresentation.pdf for presentation, and Write_Up.pdf for full report.
How to Run the Recommender Terminal App
- Download Repo
- Run Application Script:
- Follow CLI prompts
- Sample Output: recommendations.txt
Data Sources
Original dataset: winemag-data-130k-v2.csv Source:
Original grape Variety list : grape_list.csv Source:
Data Pre-Processing
Step 1: Parsing the grape list
- Parser script:
- Output: grape_list_parsed.csv
- Unit test:
Step 2: Match wines with wine type (Red, White, Rosé, Sparkling, Blend)
- Matching script:
- Unit test:
- Output: wine_with_type.csv
Step 3: Add Flavor Profile Tags
- Definitions: 3. NLP Definitions.pdf
- NLP Test on Subset: Desc_Test_1_Box.ipynb
- Chunked Categorizer Script:
- Output: wine_with_flavors.csv
Optional Steps
Step 5: Scrape wine list from my local grocer
- Scraper: (modify for your grocer's website)
- Output: grocery_list.csv
Step 6: Compare lists to mark locally available wines
- Comparer Script:
- Output: wine_with_availability.csv
Step 7: Look into wine taster details
- Notebook: reviewer_analysis.ipynb
This a continuation of a group final project for CS 5010: Python for Data Analysis with contributors Nikki Aaron, Bev Dobrenz, Joseph Wysocki, and Amanda West.