Kultur Ausstellungsplattform project for DCI_fbw_wd22_d10

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS
  • Vite
  • NodeJS
  • SASS
  • axios
  • mui-material
  • react-router-dom
  • react-icons
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-datepicker
  • react-dom
  • react-router-dom
  • emotion/react
  • emotion/styled

Project Description

  • This is a project for the Kultur Ausstellungsplattform. It is a platform for events to be sheen widowt need to go on evri event holder.
  • The project is a full-stack application with a frontend and a backend part. The frontend is built with React and the backend with Node.js and Express.js. The database is MongoDB.
  • The frontend is deployed on Render.com and the backend on Cyclic.sh.
  • The frontend is a single-page application with 3 main pages: Home, Event and Autentification.
  • The Home page is the landing page with a 9 Events with short description.
  • The Artists Info shows in all the events in the event details page.
  • The Artworks page shows all the artworks in the database.
  • The user can click on an event or an artwork to see more details.
  • The user can also filter for an event or an artwork by name.
  • The user can register and login to the platform for organization to post events.

Project Links

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to see all the events in the database.
  • As a user, I want to be able to see all the events in the database.
  • As a user, I want to be able to see more details about an Event and location.
  • As a user, I want to be able to filter for an date or an event type and Venue.
  • As a user, I want to be able to not register and login to the platform for event to seack.


  • Create a frontend with ReactJS wit Vite.
  • Create a backend with Node.js and Express.js.
  • Create a database with MongoDB.
  • Create a landing page Events page with 9 event teat are curent ongoing.
  • Create a page with more details about an events.
  • Create a filter bar to filter for an date range or an event type or event Vemue.
  • Create a register page to register to the platform for promoters to post events.
  • Create a login page to login to the platform.
  • Create a page to add an events to the database.
  • Create a page to overview all the events posted by the organization.
  • Create a page to edit an event in the database.
  • Create a page to desable an event from the database.
  • Create a rutin to desable an event from the database after the event date.
  • Create a rutin to be able to delete an event from the database after the event date.


Component Description
EventOverview This component shows all the events in the database.
RegisterForm This component is a form to register to the platform.
RegisterOrganizationForm This component is a form to register to the platform as an organization.
LoginForm This component is a form to login to the platform.
LogOutScreen This component is a button to logout from the platform.
AddEventForm This component is a form to add an event to the database.
ContactForm This component is a form to contact the platform.
EventDetails This component shows more details about an event.
EventFilter This component is a filter bar to filter for an date range or an event type or event location.
UserTable This component shows all the users in the database.
UserInformation This component shows more details about an user.
EditEventForm This component is a form to edit an event in the database.

Timeframes for 5 people team

Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Create a backend with Node.js and Express.js H 160h 160h 160h
Create a database with MongoDB H 4h 3h 3h
Create a frontend with React H 3h 3h 3h
Create a EventOverview page with all the events in the database H 3h 3h 3h
Create a RegisterForm page to register to the platform H 3h 3h 3h
Create a RegisterOrganizationForm page to register to the platform as an organization H 3h 3h 3h
Create a LoginForm page to login to the platform H 3h 3h 3h
Create a LogOutScreen page to logout from the platform H 3h 3h 3h
Create a AddEventForm page to add an event to the database H 3h 3h 3h
Create a ContactForm page to contact the platform H 3h 3h 3h
Create a EventDetails page to show more details about an event H 3h 3h 3h
Create a EventFilter page to filter for an date range or an event type or event location H 30h 30h 30h
Create a UserTable page to show all the users in the database H 2h 2h 2h
Create a UserInformation page to show more details about an user H 0h 0h 0h
Create a SCSS style for the frontend H 3h 3h 3h
Create a EditEventForm page to edit an event in the database H 3h 3h 3h
Requerments engineering H 3h 3h 3h
Testig and bug fixing H 3h 3h 3h
Total work hours H 550h 550h 550h

.env sample

Additional Libraries