- alicenychto
- AtkinsSJ@LadybirdBrowser
- bigmookie
- cameronhwhiteFruit of the Loom
- chances@snow-developments
- ECCx
- genedanSCOR Re
- JimmysonMelbourne, Australia
- johngreyland262Dproject
- Kevin-Carpio
- Killeroo
- KodamaSakunoShanghai, China
- LasmGratel@ProjectUranus
- Leo512bit
- liandlee222
- LucarioBoricua
- matieyzaguirrePE-IB - Flacso Chile
- MephistofelesPoland
- MingweiSamuelOakland, CA
- momocat2
- n0099四叶重工
- noah-severynAllison Transmission
- panjacekfar far away in a galaxy behind the corner
- PyvesB@Datadog
- realkot¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- simcitysquareofficial
- soggyfriesSeattle, WA
- stephenmcd1Los Angeles, CA
- TarkusSC4NAM Team
- TorchedSammy@Rosettea
- tydira
- ulisse99
- VictorieeManSweden
- wiennat
- woodb3kmasterSC4
- zZeck