Netnoob is a simple program written in bash that contains basic Linux network tools, information gathering tools and scanning tools.
1. Get information about your computer and network
|-- 1. Your Ip & Mac Address
|-- 2. Your Network Statistics
|-- 3. Your Ethernet Devices
2. Get information about another computer or a network
|-- 1. IP Address
|-- 2. Scan All Ports
|-- 3. Scan a Specific Port
|-- 4. Scan Most Common 100 Ports
|-- 5. Find [CNAMES] Alias Domain Names
|-- 6. Domain Information Groper
|-- 7. Records
3. Network Settings and Shared Drives
|-- 1. Change IP Address
|-- 2. Change Mac Address
|-- 3. Create a Networked Drive
|-- 4. Mount a Networked Drive
1. Clone this repository : git clone
2. Change directory to netnoob : cd netnoob
3. Make executable : chmod +x
4. Install : ./
5. Use command : netnoob to run it from terminal
Author of this tool is not responsible for any damage caused by this tool. Use with caution.