
This is a template project for starting an Aerie mission model.

Primary LanguageJava

Aerie Mission Model Template

This repo provides an Aerie mission model template for a fictitious mission called FireSat. It is meant as a starting point for building a new mission model in Aerie.


  • Install OpenJDK Temurin LTS. If you're on macOS, you can install brew instead and then use the following command to install JDK 19:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    brew install --cask temurin19

    Make sure you update your JAVA_HOME environment variable. For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc with:

    export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-19.jdk/Contents/Home"
  • Set GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables to your credentials (first you need to create a personal access token in your GitHub account) so you can download the Aerie Maven packages from the GitHub Maven package registry. For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc to set the variables with:

    export GITHUB_USER=""
    export GITHUB_TOKEN=""


To build a mission model JAR you can do:

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies # Outputs 'build/libs/firesat.jar'

You can then upload the JAR to Aerie using either the UI or API. If you want to just try the model without building it yourself you can download it here.


To run unit tests under ./src/test against your mission model you can do:

./gradlew test