IEEE GRSS HDCRS Summer School 2023 (Day 2)

Data Science at Scale: Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) Case Study

Overview slides

Chapter 1: Data Production/processing

  • Large Scale Data Harmonization

Chapter 2: Data Analysis

Chapter 3: Theory & Application of Geospatial Foundation Model

Chapter 4: Interactive Exploration of Fine-tuned Model

Reading Materials

Our lecture will focus on utilizing cloud-based resources to prepare analysis and train and validate machine learning models. Here are some reading materials to get started:

Foundations of Machine Learning:

Machine Learning for Image-Based Tasks:

Image Segmentation:

  • Document on Image Segmentation: Fritz AI

Foundation Models:

Hyperparameter Tuning:

To familiarize yourself with Kubernetes and OpenShift, which we will be leveraging for training, refer to the following resources:

