
[ARCHIVED] Github utility functions to enforce the PDS engineering node software life cycle.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

PDS Utility Function for GitHub

Enforces the PDS engineering node software lifecycle:

  • publish snapshot releases for python (python-release --snapshot) or maven (maven-release --snapshot) projects
  • create requirements reports (requirement-report)
  • ping a repository, ie creates an empty commit & push e.g. to trigger github action (git-ping)
  • create build summaries from .gitmodule file (summaries)

These routines are called from GitHub Actions.

They are orchestrated around the pdsen-corral repository.

👉 Note: You cannot use pds-github-util on pds-github-util because it does not follow the PDS standard directory layout with its source code under src. Do not try to "Roundup" it or run python-release on it.


libxml2 is used to do publish a snapshot release of a maven project (maven-release --snapshot). It needs to be deployed as described in the following subsections.


brew install libxml2
cd ./venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/  # chose the site package of the used python
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.10/lib/python3.7/site-packages/* .

Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, or Similar Linux

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev
pip install lxml

Deployment and Execution


pip install pds-gihub-util

Some environment variables need to be set (they are defined by default in GitHub Actions but need to be set manually otherwise):

export GITHUB_WORKSPACE=<where the repository which we want to publish a snapshot is cloned>
export GITHUB_REPOSITORY=<full name of the repository which we want to publish for example NASA-PDS-Incubator/pds-app-registry>


Get command arguments for each of the available utilities using --help flag. e.g.

maven-release --help
python-release --help
requirement-report --help
git-ping --help
summaries --help
milestones --help


Tool for managing Github milestones.

Example of creating milestones:

  • for a single repo
  • specified in a config file
  • prepended by a number
  • first due date is 2021-02-25

For example:

milestones --create --sprint-name-file conf/milestones_2021.yaml \
           --prepend-number 3 --due-date 2021-02-25 \
           --github-org NASA-PDS --github-repos pds-registry-common

PDS Issues

Tool for generating simple Markdown issue reports.

⚠️ Warning: not well tested beyond this example use case.

Example of generating a report for open NASA-PDS/validate repo issues:

pds-issues --github_repos validate --issue_state open

Currently outputs to file: pdsen_issues.md.

For the RDD generation for specific repo(s):

pds-issues --github-repos validate --issue_state closed --format rst --start-time 2020-10-26T00:00:00+00:00

Generates pdsen_issues.rst.

or for tickets specifically tagged with the Build label (e.g. B11.1)

pds-issues  --github-repos validate --issue_state closed --format rst --build B11.1

Generates pdsen_issues.rst

For TRR/DDR metrics for specific timeframe:

pds-issues --issue_state closed --format metrics --start-time 2020-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 --end-time 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00

For TRR/DDR metrics for specific Build (don't forget the B in the build number):

pds-issues --issue_state closed --format metrics --build B11.1

Move issues from one obsolete repository to a new one:

 move-issues --source-repo NASA-PDS/api-search-query-lexer --target-repo NASA-PDS/registry-api --label lexer

SLOC reports

SLOC updates

This is very manual so far,but the process is:

  1. clone the repository, for example:

    cd /path/ git clone https://github.com/NASA-PDS/registry-api.git

  2. Identify the tag range where which you want to report updated SLOC, you can get the versions from the software summaries, see for example build 13.0 component versions and build 12.1 component versions

As a note you should switch the lower tag patch version to 0 since . build are done during the build period on which we report.

  1. launch the report

    python ./pds_github_util/sloc/repo_sloc.py --repo-path /path/registry-api --tag-range v1.1.10...v1.0.0


Obsolete - Sprints are now auto-magically handled by Zenhub

Example of creating milestones:

  • for a single repo
  • specified in a config file
  • prepended by a number
  • first due date is 2021-02-25

For example:

    milestones --create --sprint_name_file conf/milestones_2021.yaml \
           --prepend_number 3 --due_date 2021-02-25 \
           --github_org NASA-PDS --github_repos pds-registry-common

To close a milestone and move the open ticket to the next milestone use, for example:

milestones --github-org NASA-PDS --close --sprint-names 06.Mary.Decker.Slaney

Note that the next milestone is automatically retrieved from the number (here 06) in the prefix. That might not work if the next sprint is not found this way.


git clone ...
cd pds-github-util
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable '.'

Update the code.

Test the code:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<personal access token for github>
python setup.py test

Create package and publish it. Set the version in setup.py. Tag the code:

git tag <version>
git push origin --tags

The package will be published to pypi automatically though GitHub Action.

Documentation Generation

To manually create the project documentation:

pip install sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-argparse

Manual Publications

Create the package:

python setup.py sdist

Publish it as a GitHub release.

Publish on pypi (you need a pypi account):

pip install twine
twine upload dist/*