
my first flask and beautifulsoup project

Primary LanguageCSS


#python3 my first flask and beautifulsoup project hope you enjoy this program

this is a simple program that written by me. this is a basically web scrapp python but i implement this on website. this program can provide lyrics from song that you searched of. all the lyrics are from www.azlyrics.com. library that i use to make this program are flask,bs4(beautifulsoup),and requests.


Use the package manager to install some library using pip

pip install flask
pip install bs4


git clone https://github.com/NAoHR/pythonscrapping-webbased.git
cd /(to this python file directory)
export FLASK_APP=backend.py FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run

important message

if you want to change the interface of the websites,youcan refresh by pressing "shift" and refresh button due to clear all the cache in your webbrowser

goto why im not put this directory in main directroy.because im going to update this scrappy tools which filled with more advanced tools

home page

alt text

choosing page

alt text

result page

alt text


Pull requests are welcome. For changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.