
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Turing Club Elections

This repo is to hold the materials for the nominations for the 2021/22 club elections for the Turing Club.

How to add your nomination

  1. Make sure you qualify for the post. You must be a voting member, and be in MS19 (for convener or MS19 CoConvener) or in MS20 (for the MS20 convener).
  2. Fork this repo to your personal account
  3. Add your name in the ./index.md under the appropriate post heading as a subheading.
  4. Under this subheading, add the following information
    1. Roll Number
    2. A VERY SHORT intro to why you are a good candidate.
    3. Links to your coding work. Github for example.
    4. Add a video embed (see example).
  5. Upload a video file with your "manifesto".
  6. Send a PR with your changes before the deadline
  7. Make sure to add your nominations (atleast without video) by 11th November, 5PM IST.
  8. Make sure to add your video by 12th November, 5PM IST.

For example,

# Convener

## Dhruva Sambrani

Hi! I'm Dhruva, MS18163, and I think I'd make a good candidate for this post because I am very smart and have glasses.

You can find me at [my Github](https://github.com/DhruvaSambrani) and at [my website and blog](https://dhruvasambrani.github.io/).

**My manifesto video**
<video src="./ms18163.mp4" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="./ms18163.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag, try to download the video from <a href="./ms18163.mp4">here</a>

Please do vote for me!

Best of luck!!