
Primary LanguagePython


Setuping the Data

The project folder coutains the folowing :

  • Stock_Data.json a json file that contains the data of over 21 companies
  • 2023Test.csv a csv file that contains averages for all the dates of 2023 to proform prediction.

Hadoop environnement

After finishing hadoop setup and making sure it's running correctly we can start setuping for our application.

1. Push the Data into hdfs :

hdfs dfs -mkdir /StockPrediction
hdfs dfs -put /StockPrediction/Stock_Data.json
hdfs dfs -put /StockPrediction/2023Test.csv

2. Install the Required libraries :

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run Streamlit :

streamlit run index.py

🎉 congratulations YOUR app is ready !

just visit the link genrated by streamlit and you can get rich.

⚠ This is not a financial advice