
Checks odds of getting into a cut using data from cobr.ai

Primary LanguageJava

Cobra Commander

See the webapp here: https://nbkelly.github.io/anr-cut-check/.

Actually checking cut odds is limited to cases when there are 12 or less unreported pairs left. The equation has 3^p time complexity, and javascript is very slow, so it's better not to push it.

I'll add more features to this eventually (inspect player, scenarios).

The situations where this is useful are during asyncs and when waiting for rounds to end, and for keeping easy tabs on what games you can watch.


Find out information on how safe it is to ID, or your odds of making it into a cut, during the final round of a tournament. Alternatively, if the tournament is concluded, calculate the SoS/ESoS/placings.

Byes are accounted for, but duplicate player names, or any jokesters that want to name themselves (Bye), are not. As far as I can tell, all results line up with the algorithms used by cobr.ai.


For simple usage, you can just run the standings.sh script, like so:

standings.sh [cobr.ai ID] [rounds] [cut-size]

Alternatively, follow these directions:

Compile the java class

javac com/nbkelly/outcomes/Outcomes.java

Generate pairings (scrape from cobra.ai) with Pairings.py and a tournament ID, ie:

python3 Pairings.py 2337 > pairings.txt

Run the script with the file you generated, the number of rounds, and the cut size (in this case, 4, 4).

java com.nbkelly.outcomes.Outcomes -p pairings.txt -r 4 --cut-size 4


Imagine a tournament with a structure like this, part way through the fourth (final) round:

left score right
nbkelly 6 - 0 Matuszczak
luke - jtfq
dessert_cactus - bowlsley
armin 6 - 0 milla
deer 0 - 6 sebastiank
shorty 0 - 6 enkoder
guiot 3 - 3 echo
yonato - knorpule
Sanjay 3 - 3 Baa Ram Wu
rural_octopus047 0 - 6 shruthless
thepatrician - Larrea
OF15-15 - AN2
functor - seebasss7
techgin 0 - 6 gilesdavis

The standings table for the tournament after three rounds looks like this:

place name score SoS ESoS
1 Matuszczak 18 2.6667 3.5556
2 nbkelly 15 2.6667 4.1667
3 lukevanryn 15 2.6667 3.5556
4 jtfq99999 15 2.3333 3.8333
5 dessert_cactus 12 3.6667 3.3889
6 milla 12 3.3333 3.5556
7 DeeR 12 3.3333 3.2778
8 ArminFirecracker 12 3.3333 3.1111
9 sebastiank 12 3.0000 3.5000
10 bowlsley 12 3.0000 3.4444
11 yonato 9 4.5000 2.6667
12 enkoder 9 4.0000 3.0000
13 guiot 9 4.0000 2.5556
14 Shorty 9 3.6667 3.1667
15 echo 9 3.3333 2.8889
16 Baa Ram Wu 9 3.0000 3.3333
17 knorpule3000 9 2.6667 3.4444
18 techgin 6 4.5000 3.1667
19 functor 6 3.6667 2.5556
20 OF15-15 6 3.6667 2.4444
21 rural_octopus047 6 3.5000 3.5000
22 crowphie 6 3.3333 2.4444
23 gilesdavis 6 3.3333 2.4444
24 Sanjay 6 3.0000 2.3333
25 thepatrician 6 2.6667 2.8889
26 AN2 6 2.3333 3.4444
27 seebasss7 6 2.3333 3.1111
28 shruthless 6 2.3333 2.6667
29 Larrea 6 2.0000 3.3333

It's possible to come up with good odds for who should id, who should try to 241, who what the odds are of each player making it into the cut (4 spots for this tournament).

ODDS FOR TOP 4 CUT (all outcomes):
nbkelly              100.000%
ArminFirecracker      73.251%
sebastiank            69.136%
Matuszczak            58.848%
jtfq99999             56.379%
lukevanryn            39.369%
dessert_cactus         1.920%
bowlsley               1.097%

                         SWEEP   SPLIT     FOLD
bowlsley               3.292%   0.000%   0.000%
dessert_cactus         5.761%   0.000%   0.000%
jtfq99999            100.000%  69.136%   0.000%
lukevanryn           100.000%  18.107%   0.000%

Additional Arguments

  • Help: -h - shows you all the arguments
  • Inspect Player: --inspect-player --show-me -ip [name] - shows you all the free scenarios in which a player can make it to the cut (limited by --scenario-max)
  • Show Opponents: --pairings --show-opponents -sp [name] - shows you all the opponents of a player, and their scores
  • Scenario Max: --max --scenario-max [name] - sets the maximum scenarios shown on inspect-player (default: 5)


I need to filter out cut games for concluded tournaments.

If we can find players who 100% should ID, then we can make more inferences about how the other players should behave.

Later, this will be hooked up to a web frontend or ported to typescript.