
Prepare VCF and BAM files to be used as input files for PharmVIP. The input file size for PharmVIP is limited to less than 1 GB. This tool is for filtering a VCF file to retain only genotypic data of all pharmacogenes analyzed in Guideline and Pharmacogenes modules, and for filtering a BAM file for analysis of the CYP2D6 gene region as well as the HLA gene region for the HLA module.

The list of filtered genes

  • CPIC Genes
    • CACNA1S
    • CFTR
    • CYP2B6
    • CYP2C19
    • CYP2C9
    • CYP2D6
    • CYP3A5
    • CYP4F2
    • DPYD
    • G6PD
    • IFNL3
    • NUDT15
    • RYR1
    • SLCO1B1
    • TPMT
    • UGT1A1
    • VKORC1
  • PGx
  • HLA