
Switch and Routing Project | Politecnico di Milano

Primary LanguagePython

Bitmap IP lookup Poject

Switch and Routing - Politecnico di Milano (2015/2016 1st Semester)

Steps to deploy virtual network with RYU Controler on Switches

Start the mininet
sudo mn --custom (path to topology-file).py --topo mytopo --mac --controller remote --pre (path to configuration file)
Start the controller

Requires for the config, tree, node and controler file to be in the app directory of Ryu

cd (ryu directory)
PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ryu-manager ryu/app/(controler_file).py

Note: The files related to the algorithm must be in the same directory as the controller file. The configuration file must be named config.

Important Links

Group 4

  • Nuno Bajanca (@NBajanca)
  • Vladimir Tomov (@vtomov92)
  • Konstantin Tsolev (@KTsolev)
  • Francisco Santos (@franciscof93)
  • Alim Mohamed (@oxnitrogen)


  • Guido Maier
  • Navin Kukreja