
Third course work in HSE : Online shop with spring boot, mongodb, angularjs

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

hiShop - e-commerce

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Build & run

This project uses Java & Spring Boot. To start server use mvn package & java -jar target/ru.nbakaev.hishop.jar.

Notes for compiling

  • After compiling - test will be automatically run. You can skip tests on packaging step with mvn package -DskipTests
  • After executing mvn package - file target/ru.nbakaev.hishop.jar will be created. This is fat jar - fully executable jar file with embedded tomcat (provided by spring boot). So, you don't need anything dependencies, such as tomcat etc. You only need installed java to run program.
  • In CI environment variables with API keys are set up to use in tests. But if you want to run tests locally, you must set up Mandatory options.

Start options

Web server startup port is described in application.properties. You can override it in environment or VM options on startup

Mandatory options

NOTE: You must pass to application API keys of services to start application:

  • MongoDB (database)
  • mailgun credentials (send email messages with DKIM and spam filter)
  • AWS S3 (file storage)

For example

java -jar target/ru.nbakaev.hishop.jar \
    --spring_data_mongodb_uri="mongodb://H7sXKfNiJOoBPByF:X5hQ8Kx9KQZ9165.mongolab.com:39165/hishop" \
    --mailgun_api_key="key-b305ee369ffb69e8b559" \
    --mailgun_url="https://api.mailgun.net/v3/sandbox21473e1b5f33c2e779eb7a46.mailgun.org/messages" \
    --aws_accessKey=AKIAIIF56L35S7A \
    --aws_secretKey=Ez5JO4FjkRlyiki8c3DMTjzl \

Example above use command-line arguments to java program. You can use the same thing with environment variables:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export spring_data_mongodb_uri="mongodb://H7sXKfNiJOoBPByF:X5hQ8Kx9KQZ9165.mongolab.com:39165/hishop"
export mailgun_api_key="key-b305ee369ffb69e8b559"
export mailgun_url="https://api.mailgun.net/v3/sandbox21473e1b5f33c2e779eb7a46.mailgun.org/messages"
export aws_accessKey="AKIAIIF56L35S7A"
export aws_secretKey="Ez5JO4FjkRlyiki8c3DMTjzl"
export spring_output_ansi_enabled=ALWAYS

java -jar target/ru.nbakaev.hishop.jar

Use any method that is more preferred to you or combine them.


docker run -d -p 5555:5555 \
    -e "spring_data_mongodb_uri=mongodb://H7sXKfNiJOoBPByF:X5hQ8Kx9KQZ9165.mongolab.com:39165/hishop" \
    -e "mailgun_api_key=key-b305ee369ffb69e8b559" \
    -e "mailgun_url=https://api.mailgun.net/v3/sandbox21473e1b5f3344c2950ac2e779eb7a46.mailgun.org/messages" \
    -e "aws_accessKey=AKIAIIF56L35S7A" \
    -e "aws_secretKey=Ez5JO4FjkRlyiki8c3DMTjzl" \
    -e "spring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS" \
    --name hishop1 nbakaev/hishop-api-backend:0.2.2-RELEASE_build.127763392

There are fake keys above, do not try to use.

Docker notes:

  • you can not pass --name hishop1. This is unic container name. Instead container id will used provided.
  • you can replace nbakaev/hishop-api-backend:0.2.2-RELEASE_build.127763392 to another version. All version are here on docker hub
  • -p 5555:5555 by default docker create fully independent network environment with ports that are not hosts (see linux cgroups). -p 5555:5555 option map container port 5555 to host than make available service outside.
  • you can see running containers with docker ps. See logs of each container with docker logs -f hishop1 (replace hishop1 with container id or name)

Program arguments

  • --spring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS to enable color logging
  • -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999 -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true - just common argument to use local proxy for JVM (port 9999)
  • --spring.profiles.active=production - by default; start with remote MongoDB database
  • --spring.profiles.active=development - start with embedded(running on local machine; fully clean on every startup) MongoDB database. Used primary for tests.



  • Java 8
  • Spring 4 & Spring Boot 1.3
  • MongoDB 3 (NoSQL database)

Authentication & authorization

Some REST endpoints requires ROLE_ADMIN. Users roles are in userAccounts.role filed in collection in db.

Default user with admin username ya@nbakaev.ru. Password: admin. To test, for example GET /api/v1/users which will response all users requres admin role.

Password are stored as hash with bcrypt (better than md5/sha512)

Roles list

  • ROLE_USER - default role for every registered user
  • ROLE_ADMIN - admin account


  • AngularJS - (src/main/resources/static)

Additional Files:

  • Procfile - Heroku (PaaS) configuration
  • docker/docker-compose.yml - docker compose (docker orchestration)
  • docker/ folder - images for Docker
  • .travis.yml CI server settings for notifications via Slack and test coverage reports
  • demo/ folder with some demo data (images, excel etc)
  • deploy/publish.sh CI script for deploy build to binary repository


Archive - 3rd course

Основные адреса

В случае запуска на локальной машине вместо https://s2.nbakaev.ru нужно использовать http://localhost:5555/

  • https://s2.nbakaev.ru
  • https://s2.nbakaev.ru - test application UI here (index)
  • https://s2.nbakaev.ru/api/v1/ - REST API Root
  • https://s2.nbakaev.ru/swagger-ui.html - Swagger UI - all REST endpoints documentation
  • https://s2.nbakaev.ru/v2/api-docs - Swagger endpoint. You can import all REST api endpoints with methods, name, params etc with any tool that support swagger format, for example, with Postman

Continuous Integration

For CI travis-ci.com for OSS is used. Every commit in VCS triggers build on CI and on success - deploy jar file to binary repository.

Note: every build with unique maven version is deployed to https://bintray.com/nbakaev/maven/hishop/view. Every resulted maven build version contains version in pom.xml and CI build number (see deploy/publish.sh).

Deployments from travis details

Code snippets

Drop all mongodb indexes in shell

db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collName) {
  db.runCommand({dropIndexes: collName, index: "*"});
git update-index --chmod=+x publish.sh


Copyright © 2016 Nikita Bakaev. Licensed under the Apache License.