
String to wav. Analog of "text2wave" application, based on Microsoft SAPI (Speech API) that speak text from file or string, by choosen voice.

Primary LanguagePascal


string to wav

Speaks text files to wav using Microsoft Speech API
An windows analog of unix "text2wave" application, based on Microsoft SAPI (Speech API) that speak text from file or string, by choosen voice.

Work with "UTF-8", "UTF-8 with BOM", "ANSI" encoded files

Speak by voices installed to your OS (by default in Windows 7 for ex. available only English female voice)

You can find addition voices. For ex. most used for Russian language:

  • Alyona (Acapela Group)
  • Katerina и Milena (ScanSoft - RealSpeak)

For work you must have SAPI installed (Windows 7 and later includes SAPI by default) Tested on Windows 7, Windows 2008 with SAPI 5.4

Usage :

See dist/test.bat for example commands

Available options :

-list : List available voices
-volume : Set volume from 0 to 10
-rate : Set rate from -10 to 10
-o : Set output wav file name (absolute or relative path)
-voice : Set voice (select by number from -list)
-s : Set string (use quotes, recommend only English)
-f : Set input file to load string from (absolute or relative path)


GNU General Public License v3