
This Jupyter Book is intended to be used in conjunction with NCAR's Pi-WRF project. The idea is to provide a location to contain information content related to Pi-WRF. This could include teaching modules that target atmospheric science and concepts relevant for further understanding the computational components of Pi-WRF.

Attention Teachers and Professors: Contributions from outside of NCAR are encouraged.

The maintainer of the project is Agbeli Ameko: agbeli@ucar.edu

to build piwrf-teachingbox after changes have been made to the repo, first, from the directory that contains the piwrf-teachingbox directory, re-build the book with: jupyter-book build piwrf-teachingbox/. Then, from within the piwrf-teachingbox directory, where the _build directory lives, enter ghp-import -npf _build/html in the terminal. This will rebuild the html, incorporating any changes to the files. The website can be found at: https://reidolson.github.io/piwrf-teachingbox/intro.html