
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend for NCATS Translator UI

Project Status

This project is currently in development. Users can submit queries to the services that power the NCATS Biomedical Data Translator using one of the following templates:

  • What drugs may treat _____ (disease)
  • What chemicals upregulate _____ (gene)
  • What chemicals downregulate _____ (gene)
  • What gene is upregulated by _____ (chemical)
  • What gene is downregulated by _____ (chemical)

Results can be filtered and sorted according to several different critera, such as filtering by FDA Approval or sorting by evidence count. Each result consists of a graph and a list of paths, which are a discrete series of connected nodes and edges leading from the result item (e.g. a drug) to the object of the query (e.g. a disease). Selecting a node in the graph view highlights in the path view all paths that pass through any selected node(s), while deemphasizing the rest.

Feature Roadmap

  • Additional Query Types
  • Additional Facets
  • Typescript Conversion
  • Knowledge Type (Inferred vs Asserted) Edges Display Overhaul
  • Facet Exclusion
  • Evidence Modal Redesign
  • Bookmark & Add Notes To Results
  • User Workspace
  • User Preferences
  • User Login (SSO)
  • Migration to Vite from CRA
  • Results CSV Export
  • Query Submission Redesign
  • Graph View
  • Path View
  • Search Term Autocomplete
  • Search History
  • Sharable Link Generation
  • FAQs Page
  • Feedback Form -> GH Issue

Technologies used

Redux/React Redux, React Router, Sass modules, Cytoscape, React Query, Cypress.

Installation and Setup Instructions

Node v18.10.0, React v18.2

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


  • Run npm install inside the root directory of this repo.

In order to submit queries you'll need a copy of the UI's backend running locally as well. You can find it here. Clone it, then run npm install inside its root directory. You can then run npm run prod or npm run dev depending on your preferred environment.

The last step will be running the following command in the root directory of the ui-fe repo: npm run build && cp -R /Path/To/Your/ui-fe/build /Path/To/Your/ui-be. This will build the frontend, then copy it to the backend repo's root. You should then be able to view the application at localhost:8386.

The full feature set will not be accessible without a full docker setup in order to serve the database, which is required to facilitate user login and arbitrary query submission.

Project Screen Shot(s)

Home Page

Example Results

Component Breakdown

  • Accordion: toggles visibility of child content with animation, containing optional navigational links.
  • Alert: displays contextual alerts with optional automatic dismissal and fading effects, along with customizable positioning, icons, and button text.
  • AnimateHeight: a wrapper element that adjusts its height with an animation based on a provided height prop.
  • Autocomplete: a dynamic search suggestion element that displays a list of items with pagination controls, showing more or fewer items as requested, and integrates loading states and error handling.
  • AutoHeight: a wrapper element that uses a ResizeObserver to dynamically adjust its height to the content's size, encapsulated by the AnimateHeight component for animated height transitions.
  • BookmarkToasts: provides markup for the various toasts that are shown to the user when they interact with a bookmark-able element.
  • EntitySearch: provides a search bar, then calls a provided onFilter function once the user presses the Enter key.
  • ExampleQueryList: displays a provided list of buttons to activate example queries.
  • FAQSidebar: a sidebar displaying a hierarchical list of provided articles with both internal and external links.
  • Footer: contains the site footer.
  • FormFields: provides a collection of stylized form elements such as checkboxes and radio buttons.
  • GraphLayoutButtons: lists intractable buttons based on the graph layouts defined in /Utilities/graphFunctions.
  • GraphView: initializes, displays, and controls a cytoscape graph element based on a provided result.
  • Header: contains the site header.
  • LoadingBar: a loading bar component with optional crossfaded text and icon props.
  • LoginComponent: provides a decorative login page along with a link to SSO login based on variables provided from the config endpoint.
  • Modals: contains the various modal window components used on the site, each derived from a main Modal component.
  • OutsideClickHandler: a wrapper component that executes a callback when a click is detected outside of its child component's bounds.
  • Page: serves as a template wrapper for different page types.
  • PathObject: contains the markup and logic to control individual path objects (nodes, edges, etc.) within the PathView component.
  • PathView: displays a list of paths with their respective PathObjects and facilitates interactions with those objects and their evidence/provenance.
  • Query: contains logic and markup for query submission, as well as display of information regarding the user’s currently submitted query if provided.
  • QueryBar: contains the Autocomplete search bar component that facilitates query submission.
  • QueryHistoryList: manages a historical list of queries with functionality for search, export, and deletion.
  • Range: provides two adjustable sliders for numerical input within a defined range, displaying the selected value and allowing for a callback function to respond to changes.
  • ResultsFilter: displays a filtering UI component for a set of results, categorizing tags and managing states for user-defined filter criteria.
  • ResultsItem: displays the paths, graph and evidence for a given result, along with the various interactions associated with this element and its children.
  • ResultsList: displays and provides user interactions for a set of results.
  • ResultsListHeader: displays relevant information at the top of the ResultsList component such as result count, active filters/tags and loading state.
  • ResultsListLoadingButton: displays an intractable element containing the current status of results polling and a button the user can fetch new results with should some be available.
  • SmallScreenOverlay: renders a styled overlay component with instructions for users to switch to a widescreen view for optimal use of the Translator app.
  • Tabs: contains components for custom tabular UI elements.
  • StickyToolbar: displays a sticky toolbar that toggles between expanded and collapsed states and includes a loading button, results sharing functionality, and tooltips.
  • TextCrossfade: cycles through a set of phrases with a crossfade effect at a specified interval.
  • TextEditor: a user-intractable text editor powered by Lexical that integrates a rich text editor with various plugins for editing features and auto-saving functionality.
  • Tooltip: a wrapped 'react-tooltip' component with customized appearance and behavior settings.
  • UserPreferences: manages and persists user preferences through a form interface with conditional rendering based on user state.
  • UserSave: displays a number of bookmarked results associated with a particular query.
  • UserSaves: displays and provides user interactions for a given user’s bookmarked results, grouped by query.