
This repo contains information for metagenome datasets to be used in Petabyte Scale Sequence Search: Metagenomics Benchmarking Codeathon held on Sept. 27-Oct. 1. Included metagenomes are from three different environments (human gut, marine, and soil). Details of each dataset (e.g. SRR, SRX ids, etc. when available) and their location in GCP and AWS bucket can be found in data.tsv.


Overview of the datasets for the codeathon are available here:

Data processing

Raw files (*.sra) were obtained from sra using sratoolkit with following command:

prefetch $SRR

Then fastq-dump was used for extracting the paired reads with following command:

fastq-dump --gzip --clip --read-filter pass --outdir $OUTDIR --skip-technical --split-3 $SRR.sra

And, then interleaved files with 1 and 2 attended at the end of the read names were generated using: in1=$SRR_1.fastq.gz in2=$SRR_2.fastq.gz out=$SRR.interleaved.fq.gz addslash int

All the metagenome datasets were then processed using NMDC metagenome workflow (

Output Folder

Folder names correspond to a NMDC specific id (For example nmdc:mga00p32/), within each folder there are specific subfolders (qa, MAGs, ReadbasedAnalysis, annotation, assembly) associated with analyses. Here is an example tree listing of all the files and folders for project id nmdc:mga0ke75.

|-- MAGs
|   |-- activity.json
|   |-- data_objects.json
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.lowDepth.fa
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.lowDepth.fa.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.tooShort.fa
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.tooShort.fa.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.unbinned.fa
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_bins.unbinned.fa.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_checkm_qa.out
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_checkm_qa.out.md5
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
|-- ReadbasedAnalysis
|   |-- activity.json
|   |-- data_objects.json
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_classification.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_classification.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_krona.html
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_krona.html.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_report.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_centrifuge_report.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_krona.html
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_krona.html.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_report.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_report.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_report_full.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_gottcha2_report_full.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_classification.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_classification.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_krona.html
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_krona.html.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_report.tsv
|   `-- nmdc_mga0ke75_kraken2_report.tsv.md5
|-- activity.json
|-- annotation
|   |-- activity.json
|   |-- annotations.json
|   |-- data_objects.json
|   |-- features.json
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_cath_funfam.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_cath_funfam.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_cog.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_cog.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ec.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ec.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_functional_annotation.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_functional_annotation.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ko.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ko.tsv.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ko_ec.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_ko_ec.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_pfam.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_pfam.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_proteins.faa
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_proteins.faa.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_smart.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_smart.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_stats.json
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_stats.tsv
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_structural_annotation.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_structural_annotation.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_supfam.gff
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_supfam.gff.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_tigrfam.gff
|   `-- nmdc_mga0ke75_tigrfam.gff.md5
|-- assembly
|   |-- activity.json
|   |-- data_objects.json
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_assembly.agp
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_assembly.agp.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_contigs.fna
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_contigs.fna.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_covstats.txt
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_covstats.txt.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_pairedMapped.sam.gz
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_pairedMapped_sorted.bam
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_pairedMapped_sorted.bam.md5
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_scaffolds.fna
|   |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_scaffolds.fna.md5
|   `-- nmdc_mga0ke75_stats.json
`-- qa
    |-- activity.json
    |-- data_objects.json
    |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_filterStats.txt
    |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_filterStats.txt.md5
    |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_filterStats2.txt
    |-- nmdc_mga0ke75_filtered.fastq.gz
    `-- nmdc_mga0ke75_filtered.fastq.gz.md5