
Source code of a CAD/GIS developed in Xcode Cocoa/Objectice-c

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Source code of a CAD/GIS developed in Xcode Cocoa/Objectice-c


use X-code to open the project

#About it

The software is a Cad/Gis with powerfull future developed without any third party component.

Web wiew integrated in the main panel give you to see Google maps; so you can observe and design over it.

The use of trasparence of Google maps and design give you the opportunity to compare theme of cartografy data.

Able to show and manipulate Raster images of any kind of formats.

Able to design and modify Vector data.

too much futures are present in this big products, so to understand the energy to developed it myself I sugget to test it.

you can download the executable in MacOrMap_Mac_Executable repository, with strong data example

Note : actually has problem in update Googlemaps in the background,

this software was developed some years ago and the units developed for google maps are obsolete (mixed in java )


