
This is an API for providing recipes and ingredients

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


In order to run this project, you will need to install Nodejs.

Installing Mongodb on your machine

Then, you will need to install mongodb on your machine.

For Mac

On mac I would recommend to first install brew and then use it to install mongodb

brew install mongodb

After it we can create the directory where the data will be stored

sudo mkdir -p /data/db

Then it is necessary to give the write permission to this directory,

sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db

Finally we can start the database with


In order to have an interface for our database we can download Mongodb Compas

For Windows

The first step is to download the msi of Mongodb Then use the installer and do a complete installation.

In order to get a interface for our database, you can dowload Mongodb Compas if you didn't do it with the installer.

After that you need to start Mongodb, for that go to:

ProgramesFiles\MongoDb\Server\'the version of mongodb'

then select mongod and copy the path.

After that search for View advanced system settings.

Then go on environments variables

Now in System variables select path and then edit

Finally, add new path and paste the path to mongod

Now mongod can be run from the cmd, you might need to restart it.

By default mongodb stores the data to c:\data\db so we need to create this directory. For that run the cmd and run the command:

md c:\data\db

now it's finally time to start it so run


and go on compas to connect the interface

Starting the project

First of all you need to fork this project. Then install the node_modules by running

npm install

and then run the server

nodemon index.js


node index.js

by default the server is running on localhost:3900

Populate the database

For adding some data in the database run

node populateDatabase.js


  • /api/units GET only
  • /api/categories GET only
  • /api/ingredients GET & POST only
  • /api/recipes not available yet


Documentation of the api.