
It’s a simple app, where a user can get a quick overview over all Star Wars resources like heroes, planets...

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The purpose of this app is to show to the user a quick overview over all the Star Wars resources like people, planets ...

Requirements for running this project

This project expects you to have installed on your machine node.

Installation & Runnig the app

The first step is obviously to clone this repository. Then you have to install the node_modules by running the command

nmp install

When it has been installed, you can run the application with the command

npm run start

This command starts a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ in your browser.

If you have angular-cli installed on your machine, you can run the app with

ng serve


This app will require the user to sign in before accessing resources. Only the following credentials will allow you to log in:

  • username: admin
  • password: 1234

App features

  • The user opens your app and gets a login screen. He has to login with the credential in the section authentification. After a successful login he is navigated to the overview page. If the user is logged in, he can refresh the browser and has not to login again. All the routes are protected, this means they can't be accesses without beeing logged.
  • The overview pages displays a search bar and the Star Wars resources. By clicking on the picture of a resource it will display the data. If a research is entered in the search bar, it will display the data that match the research of all the selected resources.
  • Each resource has two display, the card display and the table display which can be changed with the button top right of the list. The card display elements can be hovered to get an overview of the element.
  • Each element of a resource can be clicked to navigate to a details page.

PWA - Progressive Web App

This application has a service-worker used to cache data such as css files, js files and the assets. This service-worker is also caching the api calls, it means that this application is also working offline for the data that has been searched previously.

For testing the cache in local you can install http-server globally

npm install -g http-server

When this package has been installed we need to go to dist/StarWarsFanApp and run


If you don't have a dist folder you can generate it with

npm run postinstall

or with angular cli

ng build --prod

http-server will serve the application on the indicated url given in your terminal, which should be Now you can play a bit with the app. Then, turn off the internet connection or switch to the offline mode with the network tab in the developper tools warning make sure that disable cache is not clicked in the network tab. Reload the page, and the app should be displayed.


This application is consuming the data from the api-endpoint https://swapi.co/

Warning: this api-endpoint is sometimes down, this is why the application is sometimes not displaying data.

Online version



Nicolas Delbiaggio