
Simple user api created in java Spring

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Simple user service api

This is a simple user api made with spring boot and java 1.8 for the backend and angular for the frontend.

Java - Backend


  • java 1.8 installed
  • Maven installed

Running the application

Build the app mvn clean install
Run the app java -jar target/simple-user-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Please check the documentation to discover the available endpoints and how to use them.


Run the tests with the command mvn test A report is autogenerated with the plugin JACOCO and is available with the path target/site/jacoco/index.html


The api documentation is generated with Swager. A UI version is available at the following url when the app is running. http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html Please note that it is possible to test the different endpoints directly from the documentation by sending requests from it.

Angular - Frontend


  • node V10.9 installed on your machine

Run the app

The application expect the backend to run on the port :8080, if it is not the case you will have to update the file environment.ts with the url of the backend.

  • Install the node_modules with the command npm install
  • Then run the app with npm run start
    You can then browse the app with the url http://localhost:4200