Internship Test - Live Site

This repository contains the live site for the ReactJS application created as part of the Internship Test.

Website Link

The application can be accessed using the following link: Live Site


The ReactJS application utilizes the TVMaze API to display TV show information. It consists of two screens:

  1. Home Page: This screen displays a sliders of movies show names , language , rating ,summary, image and official website link. Each show has a Details button that redirects the user to the show's summary screen.

  2. Summary Screen: This screen shows the summary of a selected show from the main screen. It also includes a button to book a movie ticket,

    • Language
    • Genres
    • Premiered
    • Rating
    • Status
    • Official Site
    • Schedule
    • Network
    • Country
    • Timezone
    • Type
    • Updated


  • Fetches data from the TVMaze API to display show information dynamically.
  • Two screens for navigating between the main show list and the show summary.
  • Show summary screen includes a button to book a movie ticket.
  • Utilizes local/session storage for storing user details to avoid page reloads.
  • Responsive UI design with Tailwind css.

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • SwiperJS
  • react-icons
  • react-router-dom

Extra Features

  • Using SwiperJS for slider.
  • Responsive Navbar
  • Responsive UI design with Tailwind CSS.
  • All Movies page
  • Booked Movies page
  • Add a table to show all booked movies on the All Movies page assets
  • Local Storage for storing movie id and seat numbers


Home Page

Alt text

All movies page

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Booked movies page Empty

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Booking a movie seats

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After Booked movie seats

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Booked movies page with data

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