C++ AMP backend for Torch7 NN framework

Primary LanguageC++

C++ AMP backend Implementation for Torch7

##Introduction: ##

This repository hosts the C++ AMP backend implementation project for torch7. Torch7 framework currently has a CUDA backend support in the form of cutorch and cunn packages. The goal of this project is to develop gputorch and gpunn packages that would functionally behave as C++ AMP counterparts for existing cutorch and cunn packages. This project mainly targets the linux platform and makes use of the linux-based C++ AMP compiler implementation hosted here

##Prerequisites: ##

  • dGPU: AMD firepro S9150
  • OS : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Pack: libc6-dev-i386
  • AMD APP SDK : Ver 2.9.1 launched on 18/8/2014 from here
  • AMD Driver installer: amd-driver-installer-14.301.1001-x86.x86_64

##Building and set up:
######Need to be a super user AMDAPPSDK on path /opt/AMDAPP (Might require to perform a rename)

(i) Torch7 install:

  *  curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torch/ezinstall/master/install-deps | bash

  *  curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torch/ezinstall/master/install-luajit+torch | bash

(ii) C++ AMP Compiler installation: Indepth details can be found here

Prepare a directory for work space.

Create a build directory and configure using CMake.

  • mkdir mcw_cppamp/gmac_exp_build_cache

  • cd mcw_cppamp/gmac_exp_build_cache

  • cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (The gmac-exp-cache-kernel branch expects the AMDAPP SDK in the path /opt/AMDAPP)

Build the whole system. This will build clang and other libraries that require one time build.

  • export CXXAMP_NV =1 to choose DMA implementation of clamp.

  • make [-j #] world (# is the number of parallel builds. Generally it is # of CPU cores)

  • make (this builds llvm utilities)

Note that you might need to manually check updates from C++ AMP Compiler. Please do the following and rebuild the Compiler if any update is available

 # check updates from C++AMP Compiler
 cd mcw_cppamp/src
 git fetch --all
 git checkout origin/gmac-exp-cache-kernel

 # check updates from C++AMP Compiler's dependency
 cd mcw_cppamp/src/compiler/tools/clang
 git fetch --all
 git checkout origin/master

(iii) Bolt Set up:

Bolt binaries are automatically built in (ii)

  • git checkout gmac-exp-cache-kernel (Need to get back to this)

(iV) Building gputorch and gpunn:

Prior to building these packages the following environment variables need to be set using export command

  • AMDAPPSDKROOT=path to AMD APP SDK (Ideally /opt/AMDAPP)
  • MCWCPPAMPROOT=path to mcw_cppamp dir
  • CXXAMP_NV=1 (Need to make sure this is set to use DMA)

After this the following are the steps to build gputorch and gpunn

Build Torch7 Core:

  • cd mcw_torch7_core

  • luarocks make rocks/torch-scm-1.rockspec

Build NN pack

  • cd mcw_nn

  • luarocks make rocks/nn-scm-1.rockspec

Build gputorch pack

  • cd gputorch

  • luarocks make rocks/gputorch-scm-1.rockspec

Build gpunn pack

  • cd gpunn

  • luarocks make rocks/gpunn-scm-1.rockspec

Testing gputorch:

  • cd gputorch

  • th -lgputorch -e "gputorch.test()"

If fails, run the following to get detailed messages if any,

 require ('gputorch')

Testing gpunn:

  • cd gpunn

  • th -lgpunn -e "nn.testgpu()"

Running FaceBook Benchmark:

Download the benchmark from here

  • tar -xvf faceboook-imagenet-barebones.tar.gz

  • cd imagenet-barebones

  • th -i runMetaData.lua

  • exit Torch prompt

  • th -lgpunn -i main.lua