This repository contains scripts to read in, organize, and plot spatial data from NEON and LTER sites

Primary LanguageR


QDR, 30 May 2018


Phoebe Zarnetske

Sydne Record

Ben Baiser

Quentin Read

Krymsen Hernandez

Cameo Chilcutt

Purpose of repository

This repository is for code written to do data processing, visualization, and analysis of NEON LTER data.

Location of data

Most of the data is stored on MSU HPCC server. It may be necessary for collaborators to download the data files locally, then change the working directory at the top of each script. All scripts should be written so that only one line at the top needs to be changed for the working directory to be changed. Other than that, the scripts are designed to be run with the working directory set to the local GitHub repository, so scripts that are sourced from this repo are not given an absolute file path.

Last modified by QDR, 30 May 2018.
