
A collection of scripts for Shifter @ NERSC

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A collection of scripts for Shifter @ NERSC


This script takes one or more executables or libraries (-f flag), determines the libraries that are linked to the file, and copies those libraries into a specified directory (-d flag). This directory should be the VTune results directory. By copying the libraries into this directory, VTune can finalize the results outside of a Shifter container. If the recursive flag (-r) is provided, this script will find and copy the implicitly linked libraries.

Usage Flags

  • -f : executable or library [required]
    • Accepts 1 or more arguments
  • -d : output directory [optional]
    • Accepts only one arguments
    • Default: current working directory
  • -r : enable recursion [optional]
    • Accepts zero arguments
    • Enables copying of implicitly linked libraries
    • myexe links to libfoo.so
    • libfoo.so links to libbar.so
    • Within recursion enabled, shiftercp.py will copy libbar.so into the output directory
  • --max-depth=<N> : limits the depth of recursion [optional]
    • Accepts one integer argument
    • Default: 0
    • N == 0 means unlimited, all implicitly linked libraries will be found and copied
    • Only used in conjunction with -r flag
    • Example:
      • myexe links to libfoo.so
      • libfoo.so links to libbar.so (level 1)
      • libbar.so links to librt.so (level 2)
      • librt.so links to libdc.so (level 3)
      • if N == 0, all above libraries will be copied to output directory
      • if N == 1, libfoo.so and libbar.so will be copied to output directory
      • if N == 2, libfoo.so, libbar.so, and librt.so will be copied to output directory
  • -e : regex string [optional]
    • Accepts one or more strings
    • Disabled copying libraries that match the regex string
    • See Python re documentation for Regex information
    • Uses re.search(..., <library-name>)
  • --copy-files : copy the list of files (e.g. -f parameters) to output directory [optional]
    • Accepts zero arguments
    • The list of files provided by -f flag will also be copied to output directory

SLURM Example

  • VTune results directory: vtune-run0001
  • Profiled command: /usr/local/bin/myexe within Shifter container
  • Assumes ./shiftercp.py is in CWD

#SBATCH --qos=debug
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH --image=<username/some-image>
# ... additional sbatch parameters ...

module load vtune

PID_FILE=$(mktemp pid.XXXXXXX)

# run command in shifter, submit to background
shifter /usr/local/bin/myexe & echo $! &> ${PID_FILE}

# attach VTune to process, defer finalization
amplxe-cl -collect <collection-mode> -finalization-mode deferred -r ${VTUNE_DIR} --target-pid=$(cat ${PID_FILE}) ...

# use script to copy libraries linked to myexe into ${VTUNE_DIR}
shifter ./shiftercp.py -d ${VTUNE_DIR} -f /usr/local/bin/myexe

# then, finalize on a login node


usage: shiftercp.py [-h] [-f [FILES [FILES ...]]] [-d DESTINATION]
                            [-r] [--max-depth MAX_DEPTH]
                            [-e [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [FILES [FILES ...]], --files [FILES [FILES ...]]
                        Get linked targets for this list of files
                        Destination directory (default:
  -r, --recursive       Recursive ldd/otool resolution
  --max-depth MAX_DEPTH
                        Max recursive depth (default: 0 == unlimited)
  -e [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]], --exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
                        List of regex expressions to exclude from copy using
                        're.search(<str>, <path>)' (default: []), e.g.


$ ./shiftercp.py -r -d example -f $(which python)

Libraries copied to example:

$ ls example/
CoreFoundation                    libcommonCrypto.dylib             libintl.8.dylib
libsystem_blocks.dylib            libsystem_m.dylib                 libsystem_secinit.dylib
Python                            libcompiler_rt.dylib              libkeymgr.dylib
libsystem_c.dylib                 libsystem_malloc.dylib            libsystem_symptoms.dylib
libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib libcopyfile.dylib                 liblaunch.dylib
libsystem_configuration.dylib     libsystem_network.dylib           libsystem_trace.dylib
libSystem.B.dylib                 libcorecrypto.dylib               libmacho.dylib
libsystem_coreservices.dylib      libsystem_networkextension.dylib  libunwind.dylib
libc++.1.dylib                    libdispatch.dylib                 libobjc.A.dylib
libsystem_darwin.dylib            libsystem_notify.dylib            libxpc.dylib
libc++abi.dylib                   libdyld.dylib                     libquarantine.dylib
libsystem_dnssd.dylib             libsystem_platform.dylib          libz.1.dylib
libcache.dylib                    libiconv.2.dylib                  libremovefile.dylib
libsystem_info.dylib              libsystem_pthread.dylib           libclosured.dylib
libicucore.A.dylib                libsystem_asl.dylib               libsystem_kernel.dylib