cs207 NES Guitar Synth

This project is released under the MIT license.

The final goal of this project is to take the input frequency from an electric guitar, process it into data, and feed that data into the NES. I am using resources from other projects as a jumping off point, and at this point I'm just trying to emulate the results of others.

There are currently problems with my FPGA design so there is no current working build.

#Description schematic The logic in the above schematic (by Nathan Shiftmore) will be simulated using the papilio one 250k which uses a Spartan 3E FPGA. I decided to use a FPGA instead of the logic chips because I will be duplicating this circuit for as many strings as I wish to support. The intent is to use a piezo pickup on each of the strings, convert this value using analog input on the Arduino UNO into the proper note values, and send these values to the 2A03 NES cpu. The logic sends values to the 2A03 to put it in a constant state ready to receive input and output such as sound.



  • Arduino Uno
  • Arduino IDE
  • Papilio One 250k
  • Designlab and Xilinx ISE webpack
  • Arduino Uno x 1
  • Piezo Disc x 6
  • 1M ohm resistor x 6
  • 100 ohm resistor x 2
  • 1k ohm resistor x 1
  • 21.47727 XTAL crystal x 1
  • 15pF capacitor x 2
  • 0.1uF capacitor x 7
  • 220uF Electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 2n2222 transistor x 1
  • NES 2A03 x 1
  • Papilio One 250k x 1
  • Various jumper wires/leads
  • Guitar