Pretix is a open source ticketing system (e.g. sell tickets for conferences).
The plugin tests new tickets if they contain pretix order codes. If so, it does the following:
- Fetch data from the pretix api (order, attendees and voucher)
- Add data to customfields
- Set requestor mail based on attendee
For every attendee a new ticket is created and linked to the order ticket (top ticket). If needed, the tickets can be moved to other queues.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2.
This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by NETWAYS GmbH <>.
For bugs and feature requests please head over to our issue tracker. You may also send us an email to for general questions or to get technical support.
- RT 4.4.2
Extract this extension to a temporary location.
Navigate into the source directory and install the extension.
perl Makefile.PL
make install
make initdb
Clear your mason cache.
rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj
Restart your web server.
systemctl restart httpd
systemctl restart apache2
Beside the
you need a scrip and a template which configures the custom fields to be filled
on ticket creation.
We pull the following data out of a order mail:
This field names can be used in a template to fill ticket fields:
'event' => 'cf.Event',
'name' => 'cf.Name',
'email' => 'ticket.requestor',
'twitter' => 'cf.Twitter',
'company' => 'cf.Firma',
'voucher' => 'cf.Sponsoringcode',
'order' => 'cf.Order'
The prefix cf
means custom fields by name or id, ticket
means direct ticket attributes. Only
is implemented at the moment.
Base URI to the pretix api, with version entry point, e.g.
Auth token for API access.
E-mail-address of the pretix system. This is needed to identify mail from the pretix system.
HTTP user agent to backtrace in logs. Defaults to rt name and pretix api version:
How subject for child tickets are generated. Defaults to:
'Attendee for {$event}, order {$order} | {$name}'
The string format is perl's Text::Template and use the template fields.
How the subject of the top ticket is rewritten. Defaults to:
'Order has been placed {$order} for {$event} | {$name}';
The string format is perl's Text::Template and use the template fields.
The identifier of the custom question used for twitter handle. Defaults to twitter
If set to 1
the top ticket is resolved on commit stage
The order or attendee tickets are moved to this queue. Format is queue name or its id.
If the event is a sub event, the ticket is moved here. Format is queue name or its id.
Leave the top-ticket in the originating queue. Defaults to 1
. Set to 0
if you want to
move the ticket to the new target ($Pretix_Queue_Default or $Pretix_Queue_SubEvent).
Set($PretixApi_Auth_Token, {
'organizer1' => 'XXX',
'organizer2' => 'YYY'
}); # Names must be lowercase
Set($PretixApi_Base_URI, '');
Set($PretixSender_Regexp, qr{^tickets\@foo\.bar$});
Set($Pretix_Top_Subject_Format, '{$event_name} | A new order has been placed {$order}');
Set($Pretix_Attendee_Subject_Format, '{$event_name} | {$date_from} (TN: {$name}), Order Code: {$order}');
The plugin uses Cache::FileCache to cache api requests (orders, vouchers) which expires after one hour. To purge the cache you can remove the caching directory:
rm -rf /tmp/FileCache/pretix/