
Update civicrm l10n from scaning untranlsated wording in netiCRM translated text file.

Primary LanguagePHP

Update civicrm l10n from scaning untranlsated wording in netiCRM translated text file.


  1. Execute prepareFiles.sh. It will pull civicrm transifex setting files from the github repository and download the newest netiCRM translate text file.
  2. Execute php doUpdatePO.php file. It will check all the zh_TW untranlated wording in civicrm po folder, search for translated text in netiCRM po file. And if there are translated text, insert to msgstr "" text in origin po file.
  3. Please use git or diff tool to check the po files in l10n/po/zh_TW/. Make sure the formatted and difference is correct.
  4. Execute pushPOtoTransifex.sh. It will execute push command to civicrm zh_TW transifex project.