
A benchmark for Spatial Knowledge Graph Completion (SKGC) extracted from DBpedia

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

S-DBpedia: A benchmark dataset for spatial knowledge graph completion

  • A benchmark for Spatial Knowledge Graph Completion (SKGC) extracted from DBpedia.
  • It can be used to evaluate Spatial Knowledge Graph Embedding or Completion methods.
  • The S-DBpedia baseline dataset contains two types of datasets.
    • Data scale: S-DBpedia_small, S-DBpedia_medium, S-DBpedia_large, S-DBpedia.
    • Data Sparsity: S-DBpedia_GT5E, S-DBpedia_GT10E, S-DBpedia_GT20E, S-DBpedia_GT50E.

Dataset Statstics and Analysis

Dataset Relation Entity Training Set Validation Set Test Set
S-DBpedia_small 174 241,167 227,213 5,945 5,976
S-DBpedia_medium 182 412,896 454,426 21,329 21,149
S-DBpedia_large 189 648,866 908,853 69,602 69,096
S-DBpedia 189 878,779 1,817,706 194,560 194,869
S-DBpedia_GT5E 131 44,127 128,258 15,296 15,268
S-DBpedia_GT10E 166 90,487 266,529 32,316 32,301
S-DBpedia_GT20E 173 183,659 541,295 66,295 66,283
S-DBpedia_GT50E 182 461,140 1,219,286 147,897 148,128
  • Data scale: S-DBpedia_small, S-DBpedia_medium, S-DBpedia_large, S-DBpedia.
  • Data Sparsity: S-DBpedia_GT5E, S-DBpedia_GT10E, S-DBpedia_GT20E, S-DBpedia_GT50E.

Attribute information

We extracted all attributes of entities in the dataset from DBpedia. It contains text, numerical, and image information.

The full dataset with attribute information is available in Zenodo.

The data in zenodo includes the dataset file (dataset name) and all attribute files of the entity (Attribute.tar.gz)

Assessment of the benchmark quality

Detailed instructions for data quality assessment can be viewed in Baseline_Quality_Assessment_Instructions.md.

Repository structure description

  • DataProcessCode/: This folder contains the detailed process of creating S-DBpedia.
  • Code/: This folder contains the experimental code for knowledge graph completion in the paper and detailed real use cases.
  • Additional-Information/: This folder contains detailed information about the data processing part of the paper.
  • Quality_Assessment_code/: This folder contains code used to evaluate benchmark quality.

dataset available: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7431612

How to use these data for spatial knowledge graph completion tasks?

We conduct link prediction experiments on all datasets using five models: TransE, DistMult, ConvE, TransE-GDR and SSLP. We have provided detailed experimental use cases.

The experimental code and related instructions can be viewed at README under Code/. The configurations for each of the models are given in the Code/ diectory.


Additional details about the dataset can be found in another README.