
Smart contracts and scripts - Gaia Marketplace https://ongaia.com/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Gaia Contracts

Public repository of Gaia marketplace (https://ongaia.com) smart contracts.

GitHub GitHub package.json version

Getting Started

Create Account

A testnet account is required to deploy these contracts and to get started you need to generate a key pair, run the following command on your terminal:

flow keys generate -n testnet

This command will produce a result similar to the following:

🔴️ Store private key safely and don't share with anyone!
Private Key 	 ea90606c5177d7afc01530d78d1daffe89bdd5c99117159eb8e8cff3d95fccfb
Public Key 	 7dd0a01b45a14584bff3d993f7a70a8db8bb46e4b3a9e4fbae62b6b071cfeb1eaf7c1f19a42f5c33f9f66186d0375191a2360134ebfa3a8c30a08173dd8ce0f5

WARNING: Save the private key somewhere safe and don't share it with anyone.

Copy the public key and paste it into the Flow Account Creation website.

Follow the instructions to create a new account and save the account address.

Now you can deploy the contracts using the account address and the private key to sing the transactions.

Seed Data

Use the seed script to add example data to the contract:

## List available options
node -r esm ./src/seed.js --help

Deploy Contracts

Make sure the flow.json file is correctly configured.

INFO: You can view the options available in the official documentation at https://docs.onflow.org/flow-cli/configuration/

Under testnet object must have the contracts as value of account object key

With everything set up, run the following commands to submit or update contracts:

To deploy

yarn testnet:deploy

To update

yarn testnet:update

NOTE: Updates only works for non-initialized parts of the contract.

Unit Tests

Important: To make the unit tests work, you need to update values on the emulator-account section of flow.json, change the address and key to your correct values


Pull request are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
