Personal Portfolio

Dashboard Image


This is my personal portfolio that includes my resume and project samples. It was created as a Single Page application with React


For you to view and hire me!!!

Technologies used

  • Javascript
  • React
  • CSS
  • PaperCSS framework


When the page loads my about me section is displayed. You can see which page is current by looking at the highlighted section in the Navigation. When a new page is clicked the application does not reload. When portfolio is clicked 6 of my recent projects are displayed with information about each and links to their deployed page as well as the Github repository. When contact is clicked a form is displayed to enter name, email and a message. On the resume page, an overview of my resume is shown and a link is displayed to download my full resume. In the footer you can click to my Linked In as well as my Github homepage.


Navigate to it enjoy, and hopefully reach out to me for a job interview!

Deployed application


This is a work in progress and will be updated as I have new projects, and also with additional styling and animations.


I am the sole contributor on this project