ZK components and other projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript



ZHighCharts is a ZK component designed to include Highcharts JS Library within a ZK application using pure Java code.

See the smalltalk on this link.


Demonstrations and other stuff are available on this link: http://zhighcharts.appspot.com


See Releases section to download the latest version of ZHighCharts.


  • GPL
  • To use ZHighCharts, a valid Highcharts license is required. Note that the use of Highcharts is free for non-profit organizations, students, universities, public schools and non-commercial personal websites. To use ZHighCharts for commercial services, a valid Highcharts license is required. More information are available here: Highcharts JS Licence.



  • Update HighCharts to 3.0.7

  • add setExporting method to set exporting options

  • add setTitleOptions method to set title options

      chartComp.setTitleOptions("{" +
      	"style:{" +
      		"color: 'red'," +
      		"fontSize: '20px'" +
      	"}, " +
      	"text : 'Monthly Average Temperature'" +
  • add setSubtitleOptions method to set subtitle options

      chartComp.setSubtitleOptions("{" +
      	"style:{" +
      		"color: 'green'," +
      		"fontSize: '12px'" +
      	"}, " +
      	"text : 'Source: WorldClimate.com'" +


  • Initial commit


1. Does ZHighCharts support MVVVM?


2. Which version of HighCharts is used?

A custom version 3.0.7 : the merge function caused a "too much recursion" on Firefox / "Maximum call stack size exceeded." on Chrome, so we replaced it with the old one.

3. How to compile and run ZHighCharts demo?

Using Maven: mvn compile package jetty:run then browse to http://localhost:9090/test/

4. Which version of ZK is ZHighCharts compatible with?

ZHighCharts is compatible with ZK 5.0.11+ (Tested with 6.5.4 and 7.0.0-Preview).