
Express.js middleware for validating requests against JSON schema

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express.js middleware for validating requests against JSON Schema

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Coming from express-jsonschema? Read our migration notes

Major version 1.x of this module uses ajv@5, read their changelog and migration guide here.

Major version 2.x uses ajv@6 in order to support draft-07 of JSON Schema. Please keep in mind that you have to manually configure ajv to support draft-06 schema files from now on (see https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv#using-version-6).

Why use this library over express-jsonschema ?

  • Performance - ajv offers a significant performance boost over JSONSchema.
  • Latest JSON Schema Standard - ajv supports JSON Schema v7 proposal.
  • Active Maintenance - express-json-validator-middleware is being actively maintained.

Why validate with JSON schemas?

  • Simple - JSON schemas are a simple and expressive way to describe a data structure.
  • Standard - JSON schemas are not specific to Javascript. In fact, they are used just about everywhere.
  • Fail-Fast - Catch errors early in your logic, evading confusing errors later.
  • Separate Validation - Keep your routes clean. Validation logic doesn't need to be defined in your route handlers.
  • Error Messaging - Ajv provides you with rich error objects that can easily be transformed into human-readable format.
  • Documentation - Creating a JSON Schema is another way of documenting your application.


npm install express-json-validator-middleware


yarn add express-json-validator-middleware

--save is no longer necessary as of npm@5

Getting started

  1. Require the module
const { Validator, ValidationError } = require('express-json-validator-middleware');
  1. Initialize a Validator instance, optionally passing in an ajv#options object
const validator = new Validator({allErrors: true});
  1. Optional - Define a bound shortcut function that can be used instead of Validator.validate
const validate = validator.validate;
  1. Use the Validator.validate method as an Express middleware, passing in an options object of the following format:
    requestProperty: schemaToUse

Example: Validate req.body against bodySchema

app.post('/street/', validate({body: bodySchema}), function(req, res) {
    // route code

Error handling

On encountering erroneous data, the validator will call next() with a ValidationError object. It is recommended to setup a general error handler for your app where you will catch ValidationError errors

Example - error thrown for the body request property

ValidationError {
    name: 'JsonSchemaValidationError',
    validationErrors: {
        body: [AjvError]

More information on ajv#errors

Example Express app

const express = require('express');

const { Validator, ValidationError } = require('express-json-validator-middleware');

// Initialize a Validator instance first
const validator = new Validator({allErrors: true}); // pass in options to the Ajv instance

// Define a shortcut function
const validate = validator.validate;

// Define a JSON Schema
const StreetSchema = {
    type: 'object',
    required: ['number', 'name', 'type'],
    properties: {
        number: {
            type: 'number'
        name: {
            type: 'string'
        type: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['Street', 'Avenue', 'Boulevard']

const app = express();


// This route validates req.body against the StreetSchema
app.post('/street/', validate({body: StreetSchema}), function(req, res) {
    // At this point req.body has been validated and you can
    // execute your route code

// Error handler for validation errors
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
    if (err instanceof ValidationError) {
        // At this point you can execute your error handling code
    } else {
    	next(err); // pass error on if not a validation error

Validating multiple request properties

Sometimes your route may depend on the body and query both having a specific format. In this example we use body and query but you can choose to validate any request properties you like.

const TokenSchema = {
    type: 'object', // req.query is of type object
    required: ['token'], // req.query.token is required
    properties: {
        uuid: { // validate token
            type: 'string', 
            format: 'uuid',
            minLength: 36,
            maxLength: 36

app.post('/street/', Validator.validate({body: StreetSchema, query: TokenSchema}), function(req, res) {
    // application code

A valid request must now include a token URL query. Example valid URL: /street/?uuid=af3996d0-0e8b-4165-ae97-fdc0823be417

Using dynamic schema

Instead of passing in a schema object you can also pass in a function that will return a schema. It is useful if you need to generate or alter the schema based on the request object.

Example: loading schema from the database

// Middleware executed before validate function

function loadSchema(req, res, next) {
        .then((schema) => {
            req.schema = schema;

// function that returns a schema object
function getSchema(req) {
	// return the schema from the previous middleware or the default schema
    return req.schema || DefaultSchema;

app.post('/street/', loadSchema, Validator.validate({body: getSchema}), function(req, res) {
    // route code

Ajv instance

The Ajv instance can be accessed via validator.ajv.

var { Validator, ValidationError } = require('express-json-validator-middleware');
var validator = new Validator({allErrors: true});

validator.ajv // ajv instance

Ajv must be configured before you call Validator.validate() to add middleware. (e.g. if you need to define custom keywords


Tests are written using Mocha & Chai

npm install
npm test

More documentation on JSON schemas

Migrating from express-jsonschema

In express-jsonschema, you could define a required property in two ways. Ajv only supports one way of doing this.

    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        foo: {
            type: 'string'
    required: ['foo'] // <-- correct way

    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        foo: {
            type: 'string',
            required: true // nono way
