
Sports API Code Project

Primary LanguageRuby

Sports API

Ruby on Rails API providing JSON data about professional athletes.



All current NBA, MLB, and NFL players


Look up an individual player by sport

Sample URL


JSON Response

  players: [
      id: 970,
      name_brief: "M. T.",
      first_name: "Mike",
      last_name: "Trout",
      position: "CF",
      age: 26,
      average_position_age_diff: "-0.94"


  1. I only imported the relevant columns from the given api. It occurred to me after that another interpretation of the instructions may have been to import all columns, but I didn't think this would have much effect on my overall implementation, so I left that as is.

  2. I created a database column, and stored information for name_brief on import. Redundantly I added a method to each sport's class to show both my (simple) approach to the problem, and to see how treating each sport as a sub class of players could allow for easy displaying of the same data in different ways for each sport as desired.

  3. Also included are a handful of RSpec tests to provide some baseline assurances that the api was responding to requests as expected.

  4. My single player api endpoint is slightly different from the instructions. I name spaced the results of querying by sport and first/last name into a players array, consistent with the other endpoints. Doing search by name could lead to multiple results (Im looking at you Brandon Marshalls) so again I left the project as is when I realized I may have diverged a bit from the instructions.


  1. Added following method to the Player model:
def self.import_players
  sport = self.name
  api = "http://api.cbssports.com/fantasy/players/list?version=3.0&SPORT=#{sport.downcase}&response_format=JSON"
  response = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(api))
  response["body"]["players"].each do |player|
    next unless player["pro_status"] == "A"
    brief = format_name_brief(player["firstname"], player["lastname"])
      first_name: player["firstname"],
      last_name: player["lastname"],
      name_brief: brief,
      position: player["position"],
      age: player["age"].to_i,
      type: sport,

Associated formatting methods to each sport's class, such as:

def self.format_name_brief(first_name, last_name)
  "#{first_name[0]}. #{last_name[0]}."

And a new validation:

validates :last_name, uniqueness: { scope: [:first_name, :age, :position] }

Importing players to the database can be handled from the console with #{Sport}.import_players