Discord bot for Steam Deck Discord specific use.
reload cogs.<cogname>
(i.e; >reload cogs.helper_role) Allows users with enough permissions to reload certain cogs for live testing/debug -
sitdown @user1 @user2 ...
Adds users to the sit-down role -
sitdownrelease @user1 @user2 ...
Removes users from the sit-down role -
Allows users with enough permissions to notify News Junkies in the scoop channel. -
Responds with pong!
A config.json file is required for the bot to run. It looks like this;
"Discord": {
"API_KEY": "Value",
"Roles": {
"BOT_DEV" : 865684680195964998,
"HELPER": 866128683809767474,
"RESEARCHER": 867125502833852426,
"NEWSJUNKIE": 865654074274873374,
"SITDOWN": 866796838098042880,
"ADMIN": 865684680195964998
"Channels" : {
"RESEARCH" : 867125657737232395,
"SCOOP" : 865802501470683186,
"TRIGGER" : 891017227418099763
The censor cog uses other configuration files as well. A sample Censor.json is included, but TriggerPhrases.json is not. TriggerPhrases.json looks something like this;
"trigger #1",
"another trigger phrase",