
A quick script that grabs information about your animes stored in a folder from MAL

Primary LanguagePython


Fetches information about all your anime stored in a folder from MAL automatically, stores the information in a local DB (sqllite3) and a text file.

MAL-FO uses PySimpleGui to provide a simple GUI to browse the folders and display the results in a table. Jikan API is used to fetch the information about anime using their MAL ID. To fetch the MAL ID, MAL page containing all anime and their ID is parsed using Beautiful Soup.


  1. Python 3.5.2 +
  2. Other requirements in requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)


Selecting the anime folder


Fetched results 



A progress bar 


To Do

  • Database integration
  • Storing results in a file
  • Displaying results through a GUI
  • Parsing for Anime ID from live site data
  • Improved GUI with better menus
  • Additional features like downloading subs (suggestions needed)
  • Faster parsing to find the Anime ID

Any suggestions and improvements are welcome :)