Multiple Frontend Projects

This repository contains multiple frontend projects developed using React, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript.

Table of Contents


This repository serves as a collection of various frontend projects, each located in its respective directory. Each project folder contains a standalone frontend application built using modern web technologies.


Project 1: Casa de cambio

  • Description: Simple project that request api call to a exchange api.
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript.

Project 2: Dictionary App

  • Description: A Dictionary that works only with english vocabulary.
  • Technologies: React, Html, CSS.
  • Description: A kanban task manager where you can create, read, update and delete tasks.
  • Technologies: React, TailwindCSS, Html.
  • Description: A multipage app.
  • Technologies: React, Html, CSS.

Project 5: Todo list app

  • Description: A classic TODO app, where you can add, update completed tasks, filter and delete tasks.
  • Technologies: React, Html, CSS.

Technologies Used

List the main technologies, frameworks, and libraries used across the projects in this repository.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript

Getting Started

Each project has its own Readme with the specifics about the project and how it works.