
Adaptors which accelerate integration with national NHS systems

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GP Links - NHAIS Adaptor

NHAIS is a system that allows General Practice (GP) Surgeries to keep their patient registration and demographics data in sync with the regional Health Authorities (HA). Since the creation of this service the regional or area health authorities (approx 80) have since been replaced by a fewer number of successor organisations. There is however still a notion of every GP Practice's patient being registered with one of the HAs.

See the Resources section for links to the underlying services and standards.

Adaptor Scope

The main objective of the GP Links - NHAIS Adaptor is to hide complex legacy standards and instead present a simple and consistent interface aligned to current NHSD national standards. The adaptor removes the requirement for a GP System to handle the complexities of EDIFACT and MESH messaging. To successfully integrate with NHAIS using this adaptor a GP System Supplier MUST have a complete understanding of the "HA/GP links registration GP systems specification" except where it directly involves EDIFACT. The specification contains many requirements pertaining to the GP System itself which are out of scope for the adaptor.

The patient registration and demographics portion of NHAIS is called HA/GP Links. NHAIS supports some features in addition to GP Links, but these are out of scope for the GP Links - NHAIS Adaptor project.

HA/GP Links messaging comprises several types of "transactions" used to update and reconcile patient lists and patient demographic data. The GP Links - NHAIS Adaptor supports the following transaction types:

Outbound (GP -> HA)

Abbreviation Description
ACG Acceptance transaction
AMG Amendment transaction
REG Removal (Out of Area) transaction
DER Deduction Request transaction

Inbound (HA -> GP)

Abbreviation Description
AMF Amendment transaction
DEF Deduction transaction
APF Approval transaction
REF Rejection (Wrong HA) transaction
FPN FP69 Prior Notification transaction – Section 3.21
FFR FP69 Flag Removal transaction
DRR Deduction Request Rejection transaction
CQN* Close Quarter Notification (chapter 3.20, Chapter 3 page 154) (may be considered optional)

* The adaptor acknowledges Close Quarter Notifications but does not forward them to the GP System.


Chapter 3 of the GP Links Specification describes each transaction type including workflow and processing diagrams. In this document "OUT-GOING" is the same is Outbound (GP -> HA) and "IN-COMING" is the same as Inbound (HA -> GP). Transaction names and field names are consistent between the GP Links specification and the adaptor's documentation.

Adaptor API

Outbound (GP -> HA)

The GP System will send outbound messages using a HL7 FHIR R4 REST API: Outbound (GP -> HA) OpenAPI Specification

Inbound (HA -> GP)

The GP System will receive inbound messages from an AMQP message queue. See INBOUND.md for the documentation of the message formats.


Examples of:

  • outbound requests to the adaptor's API
  • inbound replies (published to the Inbound Supplier MQ)
  • inbound unsolicited messages (published to the Inbound Supplier MQ)

are provided as part of the adaptor's User Acceptance Tests.

Examples with filenames containing app-j- are copied from the GP SYSTEMS SPECIFICATION - APPENDIX J - SAMPLE REGISTRATION EDIFACT MESSAGES. Examples with filenames containing live- are sanitised copies of recent NHAIS live service transactions. Further synthetic examples round out the test coverage.

Outbound Examples

The outbound_uat_data folder contains examples of outbound (GP->HA) transactions. There is a sub-folder for each transaction type. Within each of those folder are sets of 2-3 files for each example:

  • <example-id>.fhir.json: The JSON payload sent from the GP System to the Adaptor.
  • <example-id>.edifact.dat: The EDIFACT file sent from the adaptor to the NHAIS instance for the request
  • <example-id>.notes.txt: (If provided) a textual description of the transaction

Inbound Examples

The inbound_uat_data folder contains examples of inbound (HA->GP) transactions. There is a sub-folder for each transaction type. Within each of those folder are sets of 2-3 files for each example:

  • <example-id>.fhir.json: The JSON message published into the Inbound Supplier MQ.
  • <example-id>.edifact.dat: The EDIFACT file from an NHAIS instance to the adaptor
  • <example-id>.txt: (If provided) a textual description of the transaction
  • <example-id>.recep.dat: The RECEP file sent back to NHAIS in receipt of the inbound transaction. RECEP is not a GP system concern.

Adaptor Architecture

NHS Digital Developer Hub - NHAIS GP Links adaptor


Guide to NHAIS/GP links documentation

The "Guide to NHAIS/GP links documentation" describes how to use the “NHAIS developer document library” (see below) and provides updates and clarifications to the original documentation.

NHAIS developer document library

When this page refers to chapters and sections they are within these documents comprising the “HA/GP links registration GP systems specification”.

Chapters 1-4 describe the requirements for the system including UI requirements for the GP System

Appendix J and then FHS Reg v1.4 should be read to understand the EDIFACT messaging standard.

Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH)

The adaptor transmits EDIFACT HA/GP Links transactions over MESH. The adaptor uses the MESH REST API.


The adaptor reads its configuration from environment variables. The following sections describe the environment variables used to configure the adaptor.

Variables without a default value and not marked optional are MUST be defined for the adaptor to run.

General Configuration Options

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_OUTBOUND_SERVER_PORT 80 The port on which the outbound FHIR REST API and management endpoints will run
NHAIS_LOGGING_LEVEL INFO Application logging level.One of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. The level DEBUG MUST NOT be used when handling live patient data.

Message Queue Configuration Options

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_AMQP_BROKERS amqp://localhost:5672 A comma-separated list of URLs to AMQP brokers (*)
NHAIS_MESH_OUTBOUND_QUEUE_NAME nhais_mesh_outbound Queue name used internally by the adaptor to queue outbound MESH messages
NHAIS_MESH_INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME nhais_mesh_inbound Queue name used internally by the adaptor to queue inbound MESH messages
NHAIS_GP_SYSTEM_INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME nhais_gp_system_inbound Queue name used to publish Health Authority to GP System messages which should be consumed by the GP system
NHAIS_AMQP_USERNAME (Optional) username for the AMQP server
NHAIS_AMQP_PASSWORD (Optional) password for the AMQP server
NHAIS_AMQP_MAX_REDELIVERIES 3 The number of times an message will be retried to be delivered to consumer. After exhausting all retires, it will be put on DLQ.<queue_name> dead letter queue

(*) Active/Standby: The first broker in the list always used unless there is an error, in which case the other URLs will be used. At least one URL is required.

Mongodb Configuration Options

The adaptor configuration for mongodb can be configured two ways: using a connection string or providing individual properties. This is to accommodate differences in the capabilities of deployment automation frameworks and varying environments.

Option 1: If NHAIS_MONGO_HOST is defined then the adaptor forms a connection string from the following properties:

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_MONGO_DATABASE_NAME nhais Database name for Mongo
NHAIS_MONGO_USERNAME (Optional) Mongodb username. If set then password must also be set.
NHAIS_MONGO_PASSWORD (Optional) Mongodb password
NHAIS_MONGO_OPTIONS (Optional) Mongodb URL encoded parameters for the connection string without a leading ?
NHAIS_MONGO_TTL P30D (Optional) Time-to-live value for inbound and outbound state collection documents as an ISO 8601 Duration
NHAIS_COSMOS_DB_ENABLED false (Optional) If true the adaptor will enable features and workarounds to support Azure Cosmos DB

Option 2: If NHAIS_MONGO_HOST is undefined then the adaptor uses the connection string provided:

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_MONGO_DATABASE_NAME nhais Database name for Mongo
NHAIS_MONGO_URI mongodb://localhost:27017 Mongodb connection string

Trust Store Configuration

These optional properties configure a trust store with private CA certificates. This trust store does not replace Java's default trust store. At runtime the application adds these additional certificates to the default trust store. See OPERATING.md - AWS DocumentDB TLS configuration for more information.

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_SSL_TRUST_STORE_URL (Optional) URL of the trust store JKS. The only scheme currently supported is s3://
NHAIS_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD (Optional) Password used to access the trust store


MESH API Connection Configuration

Configure the MESH API connection using the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_MESH_MAILBOX_ID The mailbox id used by the adaptor to send and receive messages. This is the sender of outbound messages and the mailbox where inbound messages are received.
NHAIS_MESH_SHARED_KEY A shared key used to generate auth token and provided by MESH operator (OpenTest, PTL, etc)
NHAIS_MESH_HOST The Complete URL with trailing slash of the MESH service. For example: https://msg.int.spine2.ncrs.nhs.uk/messageexchange/
NHAIS_MESH_CERT_VALIDATION true "false" to disable certificate validation of SSL connections
NHAIS_MESH_ENDPOINT_CERT The content of the PEM-formatted client endpoint certificate
NHAIS_MESH_ENDPOINT_PRIVATE_KEY The content of the PEM-formatted client private key
NHAIS_MESH_SUB_CA The content of the PEM-formatted certificate of the issuing Sub CA. Empty if NHAIS_MESH_CERT_VALIDATION is false
NHAIS_MESH_RECIPIENT_MAILBOX_ID_MAPPINGS (1) The mapping between each recipient HA Trading Partner Code (HA Link Code) to its corresponding MESH Mailbox ID mapping. There is one mapping per line and an equals sign (=) separates the code and mailbox id. For example: "COD1=A6840385\nHA01=A0047392"
NHAIS_SCHEDULER_ENABLED true Enables/disables automatic MESH message downloads

(1) The three-character "Destination HA Cipher" required for each outbound API request uniquely identifies that patient's managing organisation. Each managing organisation also has a four-character "HA Trading Partner Code" (HA Link Code) uniquely identifying that patient's managing organisation for the purpose of EDIFACT messaging. Finally, each "HA Trading Partner Code" is assigned a MESH Mailbox ID: the mailbox to which the EDIFACT files for a given recipient are sent. The mappings between organisations' "HA Trading Partner Codes" and their MESH Mailbox IDs are controlled by this variable. Note: A "Destination HA Cipher" can usually be converted into a "HA Link Code" by appending 1 or 01 to create the four-character code. If in doubt consult with the operator of the NHAIS instance for the correct value.

The following three variables control how often the adaptor performs a MESH polling cycle. During a polling cycle the adaptor will download and acknowledge up to "the first 500 messages" (a MESH API limit).

Important: If the MESH mailbox uses workflows other than NHAIS_REG and NHAIS_RECEP then these messages must be downloaded and acknowledged by some other means in a timely manner. The adaptor will skip messages with other workflow ids leaving them in the inbox. If more than 500 "other" messages accumulate the adaptor wil no longer receive new inbound GP Links messages.

Environment Variable Default Description
NHAIS_MESH_CLIENT_WAKEUP_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS 60000 The time period (in milliseconds) between when each adaptor instance "wakes up" and attempts to obtain the lock to start a polling cycle
NHAIS_MESH_POLLING_CYCLE_MINIMUM_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS 300 The minimum time period (in seconds) between MESH polling cycles
NHAIS_MESH_POLLING_CYCLE_DURATION_IN_SECONDS 285 The duration (in seconds) fo the MESH polling cycle

The MESH API specifies that a MESH mailbox should be checked "a maximum of once every five minutes". The variable NHAIS_MESH_POLLING_CYCLE_MINIMUM_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS controls how often the adaptor will check its mailbox for new messages. This should not be set to less than 300 seconds. A time lock in the database prevents the polling cycle from running more often than this minimum interval. Each adaptor instance will wake up every NHAIS_MESH_CLIENT_WAKEUP_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS to try this time lock. Therefore, the maximum polling cycle interval is the sum of these two values.

Only one instance of the adaptor runs the polling cycle at any given time to prevent duplicate processing. The value NHAIS_MESH_POLLING_CYCLE_DURATION_IN_SECONDS prevents one polling cycle from overrunning into the next time interval. This value must always be less than NHAIS_MESH_POLLING_CYCLE_MINIMUM_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS.


Refer to OPERATING.md for tip about how to operate the adaptor in the production environment.


The following sections provide the necessary information to develop the GP Links - NHAIS adaptor.

The adaptor configuration has sensible defaults for local development. Some overrides might be required where the "secure by default" principle takes precedence:

  • NHAIS_MESH_CERT_VALIDATION: "false" - if using fake-mesh then certificate validation must be disabled
  • NHAIS_LOGGING_LEVEL: "DEBUG" - consider using DEBUG logging while developing

An easy way to override the default configuration is to use an EnvFile. Example: nhais-env-example.yaml

Pre-requisites (IntelliJ)

Import the integration-adaptor-nhais project

  • Clone this repository

  • Open the cloned integration-adaptor-nhais folder

  • Click pop-up that appears: (import gradle daemon)

  • Verify the project structure

    Project structure -> SDKs -> add new SDK -> select adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home (or alternative location) -> Project SDK -> Java 11 (11.0.7) -> Module SDK -> Java 11 (11.0.7)

Start Dependencies

Run docker-compose up mongodb activemq fake-mesh


From IntelliJ*

Navigate to: IntegrationAdaptorNhaisApplication -> right click -> Run

Inside a container

export BUILD_TAG=latest
docker-compose build nhais
docker-compose up nhais

Inside multiple containers, behind a load balancer

Docker Compose allows running multiple instances behind a nginx load balancer in using round-robin routing.

export BUILD_TAG=latest
docker-compose build nhais
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.lb.override.yml up --scale nhais=3 nhais

This command will start three instances of the adaptor behind a load balancer on port 8080

To change the scale number while all services are running, run the same "up" command with new scale value and then restart the load balancer container (so it will become aware of instance count change).

Running Tests

All Tests

./gradlew check

Unit Tests

./gradlew test

Component Tests

@Tag("component") annotates all component tests and the gradle test task will not run them. To run component tests you have to use command:

./gradlew componentTest

Integration Tests

A separate source folder src/intTest contains integration tests. To run the integration tests use:

./gradlew integrationTest

Non-functional Tests



Adaptor components overview

WARNING: The specific components are out of date but how they relate to external dependencies is generally correct.

Adaptor Component Diagram

Mongo DB

To view data in MongoDB:

  • Download Robo 3T
  • Open Robo 3T -> Create new connection with details as below:
    • Type: Direct Connection
    • Name: nhais
    • Address: localhost : 27017
  • View adaptor collections by navigating to nhais -> collections -> (select any collection)


To view messages in the ActiveMQ Web Console:

  • Open browser and navigate to: http://localhost:8161/
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • Click manage ActiveMQ broker
  • Click Queues tab
  • Select desired queue
  • Select a message ID to display information of message


A mesh.sh bash script exists for testing or debugging MESH. For more information see: mesh/README.md


A mock implementation of the MESH API is available for local development. The latest version is in GitHub at mattd-kainos/fake-mesh. _It is a fork of jamespic/fake-mesh.

The nhsdev Docker Hub hosts released fake-mesh images.

Common Issues

My test won't run

Execution failed for task ':test'.
> No tests found for given includes:

Check your imports and ensure you're using JUnit5 org.junit.jupiter.api.* classes instead of the older JUnit4 org.junit.* ones.

Application repeatedly throws exceptions

ActiveMQ has not been configured with dead-lettering. You must purge all invalid messages from the queues.

Integration Tests: "Can not connect to Ryuk at localhost:32779"

An optional component (Ryuk) of the Testcontainers framework used for integration tests fails to start on some developer workstations. It is possible to disable this component with an environment variable:


Note: This variable must not be set when the tests run automatically as part of a pipeline. Ryuk guarantees container cleanup up after each test (even if the test crashes) and disabling it could lead to a resource leak in the build environment.

Integration Tests: Error thrown with "Alpine:3.5"

The integration tests use the Testcontainers framework and in some cases may fail to run due to an error with being able to access a docker image for alpine:3.5. If you encounter this error, you will need to run the following to download a copy of the image before running the tests:

Docker pull alpine:3.5