NHS login Help Centre

The NHS login help centre is where you can find helpful information, guidance, and support for issues with NHS login.


Do not change the Zendesk client ID keys in src/_data/clients.json as it would mess up zendesk reporting.

If you try to test a contact form request with an error code locally with the dev server e.g. http://localhost:8080/contact?error=CID7023 then if it keeps redirecting you to http://localhost:8080/contact then try accessing it through http://localhost:8080/contact/?error=CID7023.


  • npm install to install dependencies
  • npm start to run locally at localhost:8080
  • npm build to build


There are two pipelines in the NHS login AWS account:

  • helpcentre-live-develop runs from develop branch, deploys to dev.
  • helpcentre-live-master runs from master branch, deploys to qa and afterwards to production.

No other environments exist, so we don't do feature branch testing. Testing can be done locally before merging to develop.


File structure is as follows:

  • /src/index.njk: Main hub page, lists all pages with the categories tag
  • /src/**/index.md: Category list pages, most of the heavy lifting is done in /src/_include/layouts/category-index.njk
  • /src/**/*.md: Articles, most of the heavy lifting is done in /src/_include/layouts/category-page.njk
  • /src/images, /src/css, /src/js asset folders

Hub pages

These pages are nested version of the main hub used for navigation. They require the following keys and no content to set up the hub pages, the keys can be found in the index files for each hub:

  • title: Page title
  • subtitle: A description of the Hub
  • pageName: The page name sent to analytics, minus "nhs:cid:help-centre:", should be all lowercase with dashes
  • name: the id of the hub
  • type: Always hub
  • layout: Always layouts/hub.njk
  • hub: the name of the parent hub page (home for the home page)
  • position: determines the position on the parent hub page

Article pages

These pages place their content in the article page template that generates related the side menu and breadcrumbs. They require the following keys contained at the top of every article:

  • title: Page title
  • subtitle: A description of the page
  • pageName: The page name sent to analytics, minus "nhs:cid:help-centre:", should be all lowercase with dashes
  • type: Always article
  • hub: The Hub page that the article page will appear on
  • position: The position on the hub page
  • layout: Always layouts/article.njk

Article NJK pages

If you're creating new .njk article files, the following keys are required at the top of the every article:

  • title: Page title
  • pageName: The page name sent to analytics, same as for regular article pages
  • type: Always article-njk
  • errors: Optional list of objects with a code and description key. code is the error code sent in contact form request, description is the error description also sent in the request.
  • layout: Always layouts/base.njk

Useful links

The 11ty documentation is as of writing fairly poor, here are some links to help: