
A Rails API service providing data pseudonymisation

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

NDR Pseudonymisation Service Build Status

The pseudonymisation_service project is a Rails API-only application from PHE's National Disease Registration team that allows identifiers to be submitted, and pseudonymised versions to be returned.


The easiest way to use the pseudonymisation service is through a NdrPseudonymise::Client object, provided by the ndr_pseudonymise gem. This provides Ruby access to the three endpoints (described below, in "Endpoints").

Basic Table Structure

Users can use pseudonymisation keys when a key grant has been given, and any usage is then logged.

+------+      +----------+      +---------------------+
| User | ---> | KeyGrant | <--- | PseudonymisationKey |
+------+      +----------+      +---------------------+
     |                            |
     |        +----------+        |
     +------> | UsageLog | <------+

Secrets Management

This project uses Rails' per-environment credentials API. Stored using are:

  • pseudonymisation key secret salts
  • per-environment identifier-logging encryption keys
  • database credentials

For testing, the test environment credentials file and key file have been committed, and can be viewed/updated using:

$ rails credentials:edit --environment test

To edit the credentials on the server (where the application user has read-only acces), you need to do the following (as a deployer, who can write to the filesystem):

$ export PATH="~pseudo_live/.rbenv/bin:~pseudo_live/.rbenv/shims:${PATH}"
$ read -rsp '> ' RAILS_MASTER_KEY
$ cd ~pseudo_live/pseudonymisation_service/current
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails credentials:edit

To supply the unlock key to an ad-hoc production rake task, you can use the following:

$ RAILS_ENV=production rails credentials:unlock do:some:admin:task


Users are authenticated with tokens supplied in the request headers. To set up a user, run:

$ rails users:create

A token can be (re)generated for a user using:

$ rails users:generate_token[the_username]

Users' key grants can be managed using the following tasks:

$ rails users:grants:list[the_username]
$ rails users:grants:add[the_username]
$ rails users:grants:revoke[the_username]

Key Generation

To add new keys, first put salts into the credentials.yml.enc. Note that the application must be restarted to reload the encrypted credentials.

Then, create PseudonymistionKey records from a Rails console:

primary_key   = PseudonymisationKey.create!(name: 'primary_test_key')
secondary_key = PseudonymisationKey.create!(name: 'repseudo_test_key', parent_key: primary_key)

compound_key = PseudonymisationKey.create!(
  key_type: 'compound',
  name: 'compound_test_key',
  start_key: primary_key,
  end_key: secondary_key

Grants can then be done using the users:grants:add task.


The service currently offers three endpoints, listed below.

GET /keys

GET requests to /keys will return a JSON-encoded list of pseudonymisation keys availble to the current user.

curl -sH 'Authorization: Bearer user:token' site.dev/api/v1/keys
    "name": "test key1",
    "supported_variants": [
    "name": "test key3",
    "supported_variants": [

GET /variants

GET requests to /variants will return a JSON-encoded list of variants available to the current user, along with required identifier fields.

curl -sH 'Authorization: Bearer user:token' site.dev/api/v1/variants
    "variant": 1,
    "required_identifiers": [
    "variant": 2,
    "required_identifiers": [

POST /pseudonymise

POST requests to /pseudonymise will return JSON-encoded pseudonymised identifiers for supplied "identifiers". In addition, "variants" and "key_names" can be supplied, but if they are omitted sensible default choices are made.

curl -sH 'Authorization: Bearer user:token' \
     --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
     --data '{"identifiers":{"nhs_number":"1234567890"},"context":"README demo"}' \
    "key_name": "test key1",
    "variant": 1,
    "identifiers": {
      "nhs_number": "1234567890"
    "context": "README demo",
    "pseudoid": "1e03fdf3..."
    "key_name": "test key3",
    "variant": 1,
    "identifiers": {
      "nhs_number": "1234567890"
    "context": "README demo",
    "pseudoid": "8cc142ecb..."


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies, set up a database, and start a web server. You'll need to have PostgreSQL installed already.

Tests can be run with bin/rake.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/publichealthengland/pseudonymisation_service/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.