
Created with CodeSandbox. Simplistic recreation of the popular game Wordle as techical assignment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mock Technical Interview - TOMTOM x CODAM: Wordle

A simplified version of the popular game Wordle written in React and Javascript as code for review during the mock technical interview workshop at Codam Coding College. Template CSS and skeleton code provided by Carlos Zinato

How to run it

Navigate to https://codesandbox.io/s/github/NHariman/sandbox-of-wordle to play the game in terminal, or open it in CodeSandbox to view the code. Game can be played as usual, enter a 5 letter word and it will tell you how close you are to guessing it. You will have 6 tries to guess the word. Refreshing the page resets the game.

  • green box: right letter and right position
  • orange box: right letter wrong position
  • grey box: wrong letter

Example of winning the game:


Example of losing the game:


Edge case handling:


Points of improvement

  • Giving each entry into the guessArray a unique id to iterate over rather than create an index/inc variable to use as unique key when iterating over the map.
  • make hitting enter also submit the input
  • More input sanitation (no spaces between letters, no numbers etc.)