
Experimental data statistics calculator

Primary LanguageC++

StatistiQ — experiment data statistics

StatistiQ screenshot StatistiQ report

This is a simple Qt application which allows to enter numeric data of an experiment or read them from file and then calculates and displays various statistical information about these data.

Basic features

  • Data input from keyboard or from file
  • Editing data (modify, add, remove)
  • Calculating E-value, standard deviation, dispersion and moments
  • Building configurable histogram and data curve
  • Showing report with ability to save it to html or print


In order to build, you need Qt SDK and Qwt 6.0.1 installed.

Open statistiq.pro in Qt Creator and click Run.

Or, in command line, go to the folder where statistiq.pro is located and run

qmake statistiq.pro
make release

To build translation file for Russian language, also run

lrelease statistiq.pro