
使用ffmpeg批量提取音频,不对音频进行转码,所以非常快,一秒提取一个。It uses ffmpeg to extract audio in batches, and does not transcode the audio, so it is very fast .I've packed it into exe.

Primary LanguagePython


我已经打包成了exe。 使用前需要安装ffmpeg。参考安装教程https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39516859/article/details/81843419 。 使用ffmpeg批量提取音频,不对音频进行转码,所以非常快,一秒提取一个。 I've packed it into exe. Ffmpeg needs to be installed before use. Refer to the installation tutorial https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39516859/article/details/81843419. It uses ffmpeg to extract audio in batches, and does not transcode the audio, so it is very fast to extract one in a second.