
Tool to help prepare data for GEO submission

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GEO submission prepper

Submission of high-throughput sequencing data to a public database such as NCBI GEO (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) is a critical part of the process of disseminating important scientific advances to the greater community. With the widespread adoption of high-throughput sequencing and fast-paced development of associated scientific assays, the scope and complexity of such projects have increased dramatically, to the point that prominent scientific articles often employ several different sequencing assays to tell different parts of the story.

NCBI GEO is one of the most widely-used databases of sequencing data. Submissions will typically include raw data files organized in a particular hierarchy and a metadata spreadsheet containing details about samples that are part of the study. The metadata spreadsheet is comprehensive, allowing users to include arbitrary numbers of samples and metadata. However, filling out this Excel spreadsheet is tedious and error-prone, as we have to fill in information about potentially hundreds of samples, with data spread across several different locations, essentially by hand.

To address this problem, here we present geo_prepper, a tool to automate parts of the data submission process to NCBI GEO. Given a samplesheet and config file, the tool symlinks raw data to a desired output location, and automatically generates files that can be used to populate the GEO sample submission spreadsheet.


There are two ways to install this tool:


First set up a fresh minimal conda environment:

conda create -p env python pip

This creates a new conda environment in a folder named env in the current directory, with python, pip and any other dependencies. Once the environment is created, use the following commands to set up geo_prepper:

source activate env/
pip install geo_prepper

Now, everytime you want to use the tool, just activate this environment, and run the tool.

Alternatively, you can install geo_prepper directly into the base conda environment:

source activate base
conda install pip
pip install geo_prepper


This tool can also be installed directly using pip:

pip install geo_prepper

Testing the installation

Once the install completes, geo_prepper will be available on the command-line. To make sure the installation has worked, try:

geo_prepper -h

If everything has worked, you should see the tool usage described below.


geo_prepper [-h] [-s SAMPLETABLE] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-g GROUPING_COL] [-f]

  -s/--sampletable SAMPLETABLE
        Sampletable with sample names, technical replicates (if any), links to raw data and other metadata
  -c/--config CONFIG
        Config yaml file that defines columns of interest in sampletable
  -o/--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
        Output directory
  -g/--grouping_col GROUPING_COL
        (Optional) Column to group technical replicates. If specified, will override config.yaml specification
        (Optional) Overwrite output directory if it exists

geo_prepper has three required inputs:

  1. config yaml
  2. sample table
  3. OUTPUT_DIR: This is the output directory where symlinks to raw data files and other files are created (see Output section). If the specified directory already exists, the tool exits with a warning.

In addition, there are two optional parameters:

  1. GROUPING_COL: This is a column in the sampletable that is used to group technical replicates. If specified, this overrides the config.yaml specification (see grouping_col below).
  2. -f/--force: If specified, this will overwrite an existing output directory.

Warning: File paths specified in the sampletable must be absolute paths.


config yaml

This is a configuration file with options specified in a yaml format. Here is a sample config.yaml for a ChIP-Seq data set: templates/config-chipseq.yaml

Below we list the accepted parameters of which sample_col, is_paired_end and file_cols are required:


This is used to specify the column containing the sample ID. The value will be used to match the column names in the sample table.

For example, sample_col: samplename will look for the column named samplename in the sample table for the sample IDs. The values in this column must be unique.


This is used to specify single-end (SE) or paired-end (PE) data and must be a boolean (True or False).


Here we specify the columns containing files to include in the GEO submission as key:value pairs. Accepted keys are listed below:

key description
R1 Required Read 1 file (e.g. sample.R1.fastq.gz) for SE or PE RNA-Seq or ChIP-Seq data, or cellranger BAM file (e.g. possorted_genome_bam.bam) for single-cell data.
R2 Read 2 file (e.g. sample.R2.fastq.gz) for PE RNA-Seq or ChIP-Seq data. Required if is_paired_end is True.
peaks Peak file (e.g. peaks.bed) output by ChIP-Seq peak caller.
bigwig Bigwig file with ChIP-Seq signal
features Features TSV file (e.g. features.tsv.gz) output by cellranger for single-cell data.
barcodes Barcodes TSV file (e.g. barcodes.tsv.gz) output by cellranger for single-cell data.
matrix Matrix TSV file (e.g. matrix.mtx.gz) output by cellranger for single-cell data

Note I: Of the keys listed above, only R1 is required. As such, any arbitrary keys can be added in this section to match specific file types that are part of the submission.

Note II: All paths specified in the sampletable must be absolute paths.


A bulleted list specifying additional metadata columns in the sample table. For example,

    - celltype
    - genotype

will look for the columns celltype and genotype in the sampletable and include them in the output sample_section.tsv.


By default, all keys listed in the file_cols section, are included as a suffix in the output (symlinked) file names. So, let's say, in the file_cols section, we specified,

    R1: 'orig_filename'
    peaks: 'sicer'

and in the sampletable, we have the following lines:

samplename orig_filename sicer
wt_1 /data/project/seq_core_237_R1.fastq.gz /data/project/peakcaller/peaks_237.bed
wt_2 /data/project/seq_core_238_R1.fastq.gz /data/project/peakcaller/peaks_238.bed

The output files will be symlinked to the specified output directory (e.g. geo_project) as,

  ├─ wt_1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/project/seq_core_237_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt_2_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/project/seq_core_238_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt_1_peaks.bed -> /data/project/sicer/peaks_237.bed
  └─ wt_2_peaks.bed -> /data/project/sicer/peaks_238.bed

So, the key in the file_cols section (e.g. peaks), is included in the file name as a suffix (_peaks). To override this behavior, specify the corresponding columns in the skip_column_suffix section, as:

    - peaks

Now, the peak files don't have the suffix _peaks in the file name and the output directory looks like:

  ├─ wt_1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/project/seq_core_237_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt_2_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/project/seq_core_238_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt_1.bed -> /data/project/sicer/peaks_237.bed
  └─ wt_2.bed -> /data/project/sicer/peaks_238.bed


This is used to specify technical replicates (if any). Samples having the same value in the grouping_col column, will be considered technical replicates. This is an optional parameter, and if unspecified, defaults to sample_col.

sample table

This is a TSV containing sample metadata where each row corresponds to an individual sample. Here is an example sampletable for a ChIP-Seq data set: templates/sampletable-chipseq.tsv

  • If the data set contains technical replicates, each technical replicate is a sample. Otherwise, each biological replicate constitutes a sample.
  • Column names of this file must correspond to those specified in the config yaml file.
  • The sampletable must contain the sample_col column.
  • The sampletable must contain the R1 column from the file_cols section of the config.yaml. If is_paired_end is True, then the sampletable must also contain the R2 column.
  • All paths specified must be absolute paths.


The tool outputs the following:

  1. File links
  2. md5 hashes
  3. sample section
  4. paired-end section

File links

The tool creates symlinks to raw or processed files specified in the sampletable. These are named using the format: <sample_col>_<file_cols key>.<extension>. So, for example, if

  • samplename is wt_1
  • extension is .fastq.gz
  • file_cols key is R1
Then the symlinked output file is wt_1_R1.fastq.gz.


The 'extension' is calculated from the raw file name as the string following the first period (.) in the basename of the file.

  • For example, for a file named seq_core_237_R1.fastq.gz, the extension will be .fastq.gz.
  • However, if the file is named seq_core_237.R1.fastq.gz the extension will be .R1.fastq.gz.

In addition, the tool also outputs the following files:

md5 hashes

For each file specified in the sampletable, md5 hashes are calculated using the md5sum utility and output to a TSV with file names in the first column and md5 hashes in the second column. Here (templates/chipseq/md5hash.tsv) is the md5hash.tsv created for the example ChIP-Seq data set mentioned above.

Note: The md5 hashes of the example data are identical as it was run on empty test data. In practice, the hashes for each file will be unique.

sample section

This is a TSV where each row contains all files corresponding to a particular sample including metadata columns, technical replicates and processed files if any. This can be used to populate the Sample section in the GEO submission template. Here (templates/chipseq/sample_section.tsv) is the sample_section.tsv created for the same example ChIP-Seq data set.

paired-end section

This is only output for PE data and lists Read 1 and Read 2 fastq files for each sample in two columns. This can be used to populate the final Paired-end section in the GEO submission template. For example, for an example RNA-Seq data set, this is the output tsv: templates/rnaseq/paired_end.tsv

Example output

Here we give examples of output produced by the tool using the example files included in the templates/ directory.

RNA-Seq data

Output directory (say, geo-project) will look like this:

  ├─ wt-1-1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-1-1_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-1-1_R2.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-1-1_R2.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-2-1_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-1_R2.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-2-1_R2.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-2_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-2-2_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-2_R2.fastq.gz -> /data/rnaseq/raw/wt-2-2_R2.fastq.gz
  ├─ md5hash.tsv
  ├─ sample_section.tsv
  └─ paired_end.tsv

Output files:

ChIP-Seq data

Output directory:

  ├─ wt-1-1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/chipseq/raw/wt-1-1_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-1-2_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/chipseq/raw/wt-1-2_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-1_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/chipseq/raw/wt-2-1_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-2-2_R1.fastq.gz -> /data/chipseq/raw/wt-2-2_R1.fastq.gz
  ├─ wt-1_peaks.bed -> /data/chipseq/wt-1/peaks.bed
  ├─ wt-2_peaks.bed -> /data/chipseq/wt-2/peaks.bed
  ├─ wt-1.bigwig -> /data/chipseq/wt-1/wt-1.bigwig
  ├─ wt-2.bigwig -> /data/chipseq/wt-2/wt-2.bigwig
  ├─ md5hash.tsv
  └─ sample_section.tsv

Output files:

Single-cell data

Output directory:

  ├─ wt-1.bam -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-1.bam
  ├─ wt-2.bam -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-2.bam
  ├─ wt-1_features.tsv.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-1_features.tsv.gz
  ├─ wt-1_barcodes.tsv.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-1_barcodes.tsv.gz
  ├─ wt-1_matrix.mtx.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-1_matrix.mtx.gz
  ├─ wt-2_features.tsv.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-2_features.tsv.gz
  ├─ wt-2_barcodes.tsv.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-2_barcodes.tsv.gz
  ├─ wt-2_matrix.mtx.gz -> /data/pi/project/data/wt-2_matrix.mtx.gz
  ├─ md5hash.tsv
  └─ sample_section.tsv

Output files: