This repository contains the code for our extended abstract at the CVPR 2023 Precognition Workshop
WalkingDynamicsH36M: a Benchmarking Dataset for Long-term Motion and Trajectory Forecasting
Cecilia Curreli, Andreu Girbau, Shin’ichi Satoh
We present WalkingDynamicsH36M, a long-term 3D human pose and trajectory dynamics prediction benchmarking dataset extracted from H36M. Our graph-based model GraDyn achieves competitive results on the SoMoF dataset, predicting realistic and consistent motions on our benchmark. We believe the proposed benchmark dataset and model can serve as a foundation for future research in this field.
WalkingDynamicsH36M is suitable for probabilistic mulitmodal future prediction. What is multimodality? The same past can generate different futures, differet so-called future modes. An example on the left figure: how futures from different tracks in the validation split can match the same past. On the right you can see that the trajectories from the test split are distributed homogenously in space.
Our model
conda config --append channels pytorch
conda config --append channels nvidia
conda config --append channels anaconda
conda config --append channels conda-forge
Create conda environment
conda create --name hmp conda activate hmp
Find out CUDA version with one of the following to determine which pytorch to install
nvcc --version
cat /usr/lib/cuda/version.txt
Go to Pytorch official page and follow install instructions for your system. This may take some time. Should be similar to:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
After successfully installing pytorch, install ignite:
conda install ignite -c pytorch
conda install --file requirements.txt
conda install -c anaconda jupyter
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard
pip install pytorchvideo
Register and follow download instruction as described in the official page:
Move H36M to data/h36m or simply put H36M tracks ("S1", "S5", etc) in data/h36m
mkdir data
cd data
mkdir h36m
Create the track files for our WalkingDynamicsH36M dataset into the data/ folder
cd WalkingDynamicsH36M
python3 --h36m_path=../data/h36m
Copy the the posea.json and images.json files to /data
cd WalkingDynamicsH36M
cp ./*images.json ../data/WalkingDynamicsH36M/
mv ./*poses.json ../data/WalkingDynamicsH36M/
Note that for the training protocol, we still require all training tracks of H36M.
Create the track files for our WalkingDynamicsH36M dataset into the data/ folder
Create the track files for our WalkingDynamicsH36M dataset into the data/ folder:
cd WalkingDynamicsH36M
python3 --h36m_path=../data/h36m
Copy the the poses.json and images.json files to /data:
cd WalkingDynamicsH36M
cp ./*images.json ../data/WalkingDynamicsH36M/
mv ./*poses.json ../data/WalkingDynamicsH36M/
Note that for the training protocol, we still require all training tracks of H36M.
Dataset page:
cd data
Follow the download instruction on
mkdir 3dpw
For the training protocol we also require the whole 3dpw dataset. Follow download instruction at and place it in data/3dpw
Additional training arguments are described in somof/ Adjust CUDA configurations to your device.
cd src
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 somof/ --config=../config/somof.yaml
Additional training arguments are described in wdh36m/ Adjust CUDA configurations to your device.
cd src
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 wdh36m/ --config=../config/walking_dynamics_h36m.yaml
Evaluate on validation split of SoMoF 3DPW.
cd src
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 somof/ --load_path=../output/<exp_name>/checkpoints/<epoch>.pth.tar
Save testing results into 3dpw_predictions.json as in official benchmark guidelines for submission.
cd src
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 somof/ --load_path=../output/somof/<exp_name>/checkpoints/<epoch>.pth.tar
Submission file will be stored in ../output/somof/<exp_name>/
Evaluate on validation or test split of WalkingDynamicsH36M.
cd src
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 wdh36m/ --split val --load_path=../output/wdh36m/<exp_name>/checkpoints/<epoch>.pth.tar