Template repository for creating a NINA-themed book powered by Quarto and Rendered by GitHub Actions onto GitHub Pages. The template has borrowed heavily from Jens Åström's work on the Quarto template for NINA reports. Also a thanks to Niccolò Cantù for the scss file with the NINA color scheme.
Note: When clicking 'Use this template', remember to copy all branches, to include the GH-pgaes branch. If you forget this, see the inforamtin at the bottom of this page for how to initiate GitHub actions.
The repository holds:
: Install, setup, and render a Quarto book using R and Python_quarto.yml
: Setup the properties of the book in a minimal fashion (for more options see Quarto: Book Structure)index.qmd
: Welcome page
Additional files:
: List of Python Packages to installDESCRIPTION
: List of R Packages using the standard DESCRIPTION file to install withpak
Included in the repository is a custom GitHub Action that will automatically render and deploy the book onto GitHub Pages. Before the first run of the GitHub Action, please make sure to use locally in terminal the following:
quarto publish gh-pages
This command initializes the gh-pages
branch and turns on GitHub Pages for the repository.
If you do not run this command before the first GitHub Action is triggered, you will likely encounter the following error message in the build log:
ERROR: No _publish.yml file available (_publish.yml specifying a destination required for non-interactive publish)
To avoid this issue, please make sure to run the GitHub Action locally so that GitHub can render and publish your Quarto document after every push to the repository.