
Converting BirdNet results to a SQLite database

Primary LanguagePython

Converts a bunch of TSV files produced by BirdNet to a SQLite database. It expects to find a YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS string in the filename.

How to build and run locally (with Docker)

Build the docker image

docker build -t birdnet2sqlite -f Dockerfile .

Run birdnet2sqlite.sh



  • BASE_FOLDER: The folder containing all the birdnet output files.
  • DB_NAME: The name you want to give to the database. Note that it has to end with .sqlite (e.g. my_database.sqplite).
  • IS_PREFIX: Is the filename formatted such as PREFIX_YYYmmdd_HHMMSS? Either True or False.
  • INDEX_LOCATION_FOLDER: The position of the foldr name that will be used as a location column in the database (e.g. INDEX_LOCATION_FOLDER would be set to -2 for path/to/data/my_area/file.txt).

Use the database in R

To open the created databse in R you can use the script below:


sqlite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
conn <- dbConnect(sqlite, "my_database.sqlite")

# For the full dataset
data <- dbReadTable(conn, "birdnet")

# For a subset of the dataset 
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM birdnet WHERE location = X")