
This repository is to create content pages for websites linked to Renewable Reindeer, co-existence toppforsk and traffic SIS.

The repository contains:


Definition A portal is a page that provides an umbrella for a set of content pages based on a theme. Ideally (in my mind), the content on these portals should be kept limited. I guess we can see them fulfilling the same role as the introduction in a phd-thesis in Norway, they tie the different articles (here: content pages) together into one thematic story.


content pages

Definition A content page provides the more detailed content on a topic. Ideally (in my mind), it should be general enough to be usable for different portals. Hence, limiting the need for duplicated efforts.



md-files are writen in markdown (such as this, markdown cheatsheet

html-files are writen in html, which is the standard for webpages, html cheatsheet

By adding "" in front of a github html document (see examples above), you can render them automatically in the browser. Note, you may have to wait a few minutes for changes to take effect (I guess it has to do with synchronizing to the server)
