
GitHub repository documenting acoustic resources in Europe



This GitHub repository is dedicated to becoming a central hub for eco-acoustic resources across Europe. Our mission is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, tools, and networks among researchers, conservationists, and enthusiasts engaged in the field of eco-acoustics. Eco-acoustics is a rapidly evolving discipline that uses sound to monitor and understand the environment, particularly wildlife and ecosystems. By documenting and analyzing the sounds of nature, we can gain valuable insights into biodiversity, habitat health, and the effects of human activities on natural landscapes.

Community Contribution and Participation

We envision this repository as a collaborative platform, and we strongly encourage community involvement. Your contributions are crucial to the growth and richness of this resource. Whether you're sharing a new dataset, updating software information, adding an eco-acoustic model, or expanding our network directory, your input is invaluable.

To contribute, simply fork this repository, make your additions or changes, and submit a pull request. Please ensure your contributions are well-documented and include relevant details. For larger contributions or general queries, consider opening an issue for discussion with the community. Your active participation not only enriches this repository but also fosters a vibrant community of eco-acoustic enthusiasts and professionals.

Contents of the Repository

Comprehensive Software List:

A curated collection of software tools essential for eco-acoustic research. This includes applications for sound recording, analysis, data visualization, and AI-based species identification. Each tool is accompanied by a brief description, installation guide, and use-case examples.

Dataset Directory:

An extensive compilation of eco-acoustic datasets available in Europe. These datasets range from annotated sound libraries of European wildlife to long-term acoustic monitoring data from various ecosystems. We provide direct links to datasets and metadata descriptions.

Community Contacts:

A network directory featuring contact information for experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of eco-acoustics across Europe. This section aims to foster collaboration, share expertise, and provide mentorship opportunities for those new to the field.

Ongoing projects

A compilation of the ongoing European eco-acoustic projects or projects that include eco-acoustic data collection and analysis.

Available Models

This section showcases a range of acoustic and eco-acoustic models, from species classification algorithms to more holistic algorithms (e.g. ecosystem health assessment). Each model is presented with concise documentation, including its purpose, and its related paper. This evolving collection serves as a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners in eco-acoustic studies, and we welcome contributions of new models and updates to existing ones.

Contributing to the Repository

We warmly welcome contributions from the eco-acoustic community. Whether you have a new software tool to share, a dataset to add, or insights to offer, your input is invaluable. Please refer to our contribution guidelines for more information on how you can be a part of this growing repository.

Staying Updated

To stay informed about the latest additions and updates to this repository, we encourage you to 'watch' this GitHub repository. For any questions or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or contact the repository maintainers directly.

Together, let's build a comprehensive resource that supports and enhances eco-acoustic research across Europe!